Since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by cryptozoology. I think I've seen every documentary there is on Big Foot and have studied the famous video of the Sasquatch walking. Do I believe in Big Foot? I do! And yeah, I've heard all the debate against the existence of the hairy creatures. We'd have found a dead one by now, or bones or we'd have captured more on video or in the wild. Or we'd have found their poop. Heard it all. I don't care. I still believe in them. I think they are a highly evolved ape and that's it. An elusive, private creature. Just an undiscovered ape that doesn't drag his knuckles.

I also believe in the Loch Ness Monster.

And the Chupacabra.

Seriously! I think the Loch Ness Monster is a prehistoric water dinosaur. Heck, the alligator is pretty dang prehistoric!
And the Chupacabra? I think it's some kind of hairless wolf.
So, do you believe in any of these creatures? Have you seen any of them? I'd love to hear!
I'm so in love with the Bigfoot Legend that I included it in my latest release, Canyon Wolf Bride. Find out how cryptozoologists discover a species of wolves thought to be extinct at the bottom of The Grand Canyon.

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And the Yeti, Big Foot's Snowy cousin have a very important role in the ending to Circle City: Lord of the Wolfen!

Check out this cool article on the Yeti HERE!

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Let me know if anyone runs into one of these mysterious guys!
~Happy Reading,
(Photos courtesy of Photobucket.com and Mysticinvestigations.com and Inquisir.com)
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