Hi Wendy! Thank you for having me here.
Who doesn’t like the holidays? Most people will say, “I love the holidays!” Then in the next breath complain about the lines while shopping, the money you have to spend. What bothers me the most? Not what you’d think. While I have three children 7, 11, and 16, the hardest part is the grocery store. Aaagggg!
Now, I’m not one to complain, but does everyone develop bio-polar disorder, or what?
I try to keep thinking positive. And, while it very hard when you get hit with a grocery cart and are told to, “Move” from some stranger, I remind myself to count to ten. Fore, they might have a very good reason for being nasty. Here’s a little story about how just the other day, I had to rein myself in to not ruin someone’s day. (Including mine)
I was going to the grocery store with the three kids. Now, if I was a sane woman, I would have left them home. But, nooooo. So we’re getting out of the car when the 7 yr old, Jack, slams the door into the car next to us! Now no one out there can tell me they haven’t thought of inspecting the car and deciding its okay and not to leave a note. I was hoping for this scenario. What I got was a dent and paint scratch. So, I reached into my purse, pulled out a business card, because that’s all I had, and wrote a note with my name and number. Little did I know a man was watching me from his vehicle. When we turned to go, he gave us a thumbs-up. Awesome, that brightened me up a little about the problem.
The grocery shopping started as usual. I sent the older two on ‘missions’ to find things, while Jack and I went to the deli. This is where he proceeded to topple the carriage when I ordered our meat. The older two ones came back, I sent them out again, grabbed my sandwich meat and turned to find Jack gone. Panic hit me until I noticed he was under the carriage. Upon exiting his hiding place, I caught the carriage before it did a full-on dump, AGAIN. Now people are watching me and me vibrating son who can’t seem to sit or stand. I tried talking to Jack about Santa, Christmas parties, anything to distract him from getting in trouble. But it was as if some alien had taken over my son and left me with a jittering, chattering, nutcase! When my additional sandwich meat was ready, I kept him next to me but then found him on the floor.
“What happened?” I couldn’t help but laugh. He’d tripped on his own feet.
So Jack went into the back of the carriage and my 11 yr old, Leah, was in charge of helping me watch him. As we walked away a man said, “Mine was the same way around this time of year.” Very comforting words and what I needed to hear so I didn’t run from the store pulling my hair out. It was a ‘bi-polar’ moment.
After getting home we decorated the tree and Jack broke a few ornaments. And, while my head was splitting in two from holding my temper and trying not to ruin the excitement he has toward Christmas, I had to wonder…Who the heck is this kid?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS. May they be as sane as possible!
Rebecca Rose

Blurb: Sometimes Redemption Is The Only Salvation Needed To Forgive Yourself.
In his first ever selfless act Donald Write takes a bullet for a man
he just met, Daniel Allen. Now he's changed his name and moved across
the country to live with Daniel’s family whose welcoming home
reception wasn't very warm.
Jacqueline is Daniel’s daughter. This soft spoken, well dressed lady
soon teaches Donald that looks can be deceiving and her heart can be
his if he’s willing to open up and except her gift of love.
Donald hadn't counted on the intense and immediate attraction to
Jacqueline. She’s the boss’s daughter and off limits; that is until he
finds himself with an irresistible primal need to be with her. She
shows him love in a way he's never felt before and gives him the
strength to become the better man he's always wanted to be. But how
can Donald touch and care for someone so pure of heart when their
future can be destroyed by his past? A future built on redemption and
second chances.
WARNING: This novel contains M/F romance, action, and explicit sex.
In his first ever selfless act Donald Write takes a bullet for a man
he just met, Daniel Allen. Now he's changed his name and moved across
the country to live with Daniel’s family whose welcoming home
reception wasn't very warm.
Jacqueline is Daniel’s daughter. This soft spoken, well dressed lady
soon teaches Donald that looks can be deceiving and her heart can be
his if he’s willing to open up and except her gift of love.
Donald hadn't counted on the intense and immediate attraction to
Jacqueline. She’s the boss’s daughter and off limits; that is until he
finds himself with an irresistible primal need to be with her. She
shows him love in a way he's never felt before and gives him the
strength to become the better man he's always wanted to be. But how
can Donald touch and care for someone so pure of heart when their
future can be destroyed by his past? A future built on redemption and
second chances.
WARNING: This novel contains M/F romance, action, and explicit sex.
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