Sunday, March 1, 2009

Interview with Kate Davison

Where are you from?

Originally, Pontiac, Michigan. I moved to the Gulf Coast of Florida at age 12 due to my father’s health. Then I moved to New Jersey about seventeen years ago. Still live in NJ. It’s the biggest surprise of my life. The state is nothing as I’d pictured it. It’s more rural than anyone ever gives it credit for, with more varied topography than any state its size should be allowed to have. Damn, I sound like I should write copy for the New Jersey Tourism Bureau.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a natural born smart-ass and a control freak. My husband is a graphic artist who does daily comic strips and graphic novels. He’s a very cool guy. We attend lots of comic conventions, on both sides of the table—meaning as talent and fan. I’m a science fiction junkie. When my hubby and I first moved to New Jersey the first long trip we took was down to Atlantic City to a Star Trek Convention. It was so cool. It’s no secret that I’m a geek. A wear my geekdom with pride.
What kind of jobs have you worked while building your writing career? I work as a Respiratory Therapist, which means I keep people breathing, either by natural or artificial means. My specialty is working in a Level III NICU with all the little tiny premature babies. Love it. There is something very rewarding about taking a tiny life and seeing it through some of its worst crises and then at the end of about four months watching she or he go home with very grateful parents.

When and why did you begin writing?

I began writing because if I didn’t pour out all the ideas swimming around in my head either it would have eventually exploded. I love to read, so I think creating my own characters and situations was a natural extension of that love of books. I began making up my own stories before I could read. When I was a child I had terrible nightmares. My mother, at her wits end, took me to the pediatrician. He told her to read to me before going to bed each night to put good thoughts into my head. No such doing. I only wanted the unadulterated Brothers Grimm or Three Billy Goats Gruff. After fighting with me every night, my mother finally took all the books and put them away. But was a determined child, and I found them and got them down again. She finally threw up her hands and said to hell with it. So, I started telling myself stories to fall asleep. And now….ah um….years later, I still do.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

The first day I first put words to paper. No one ever saw the stories I wrote back then, and no one ever will. But I was still a writer. That goes for anyone. If you put words to paper, you’re a writer.

What inspired you to pen your first novel?

Lack of books turning out the way I wanted them to. I wanted to write my own endings, have my own conclusions on paper. Of course, what I didn’t know at the time was that most determined main characters—and a few secondary ones—begin to take over and soon write their own endings.

Who or what has influenced your writing, and in what way?

I can’t really say, there have been so many over the years. Definitely sci-fi. I started watching Star Trek when I was a kid, and before you ask…yes, the original series back in the late 60’s early 70’s. I loved the way each show entombed a new culture. Even as a child I was amazed by that. By the time I was 11-12 Star Wars came out. I remember seeing the first few trailers for that on television and all they showed was the now famous logo and at the very end, Darth Vader turned around and looked straight into the camera. Talk about a dramatic hook! Mine and my father’s mouths opened and we both yelled, “I gotta see that.” Then there were all the epic mini-series that were on television that came from books. Of course, I had to go back and read them after they aired, but it did give me an huge appreciation for literature.

What genre are you most comfortable writing?

Since I write in six different genres under several names, I have to say I am comfortable in most. Historical seems fraught with danger for me. I love Historicals, but noticed if I ever decide to do an entire novel in that genre without it being fantasy or steam punk, I better get a lot of references. I am a documentary junkie and most days have the History Channel on in the background, so it’s not the research part I find daunting, but the actual dialogue. – Most comfortable are paranormal, sci-fi and futuristics- anything where there is little or no structure in the world created. By that I mean the world is open to however the author wants to make it. I’m of a firm believer Gene Roddenberry was a god!

How did you come up with the title for your book(s)?

Usually they just come to me. I like to try and make them mean something to several aspects of the book. Character traits, plot points, internal conflicts, or external. I have a series of romantic suspense I’m working on that all have sayings from the Bible as the titles. Sometimes I’ll even take a line from the book that came out rather poetic and use that for a title. Since some of my future books will be targeted for NY, I’m sure I won’t be able to keep titles – one of the great things about writing small press is the fact the publishers pretty much let you keep your titles. At least that’s been my experience, which really works for me, since I put such time and care into selecting what title goes on the front of the book.

Do you see writing as a long- or short-term career?

Definitely a long term. I’ve already been at it in one form or another since childhood, I doubt I could stop now. The voices won’t let me.


Mary Ricksen said...

Great post. I too loved watching every Star Trek from Captain Kirk on to the very last series. I wish they'd do another.
The biggest one for me though was Edgar Rice Burroughs, I went to Mars and became a princess, and that's what inspired me!

Sierra Wolfe said...

Great interview, Kate! I loved reading about you and seeing how much we really do have in common. OMG, I thought I was the only one who remembered the original Star Trek, LOL.

Martha Eskuchen said...

I bet lots of us remember the original Star Trek sseries!! I'm glad you like HEA - so do I. OHH Romantic Suspense with Biblical titles! Sound good to me!

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