Friday, May 15, 2009

Good Book and a Roller Coaster

When I was searching for pictures to send to my child’s school, I found the ones I took while we were at Disneyland. Of course, memories of fun times started coming back to me. (Glad we have pictures as reminders of past gone by) I remember getting in line for longer than an hour just to try the Indiana Jones ride (I highly recommend this ride) not just one time but also numerous times. While there, we tried most rides Disneyland offered. Big and small rides, people were attracted to them. Why? What drew them to try these exhilarating …Well, that was it! The rides were exhilarating, titillating, stomach crunching, and unforgettable. Did I just find out Disney’s recipe for success?

Disney seduced people with a promise of a ride of a lifetime, an experience that would be embedded in your mind and remembered always. Disney offered a ride that made everyone go, “wow.” And say, “really?”


Perhaps Disney’s promise wasn’t written at the back of the book like a blurb. But it if was, people would pick that book up. Because there was that concept of recognition in his promise of making your dreams come true, of making you feel like a kid again.


Now how do we apply this recipe of success in writing? Here’s what I thought I should do. Give your readers a concept of “worth my time.” Write a story, be it a novella or novel, which would make people stop from whatever they were doing. Write a blurb that would appeal to your targeted audience and make them do a double-take when they spot your book on a coming soon page.


I believe I wrote stories that appealed to people. But was it good enough to make them come back for another taste of my writing? You be the judge. :) Let me know if I created different premises that you recognized and could relate to.


Pride and Prejudice. This book, without a doubt, offered a concept that we (perhaps not all) romantic at heart could relate to. But did it have a wow factor?


Share your “must have book”. Tell us what made you buy it. If you’re a writer, do you think your books have a wow factor? I look forward to hearing from you.


Tierney O'Malley




Sometimes it takes baring the flesh to make a dream from happening...

My Pleasure

Coming soon June 15, 2009

eXtasy Books


Faith Bicknell said...

I'm a cover snob, but I have to say that I truly like that cover, Tierney. Very erotic and elegant.

Tierney O'Malley said...

Yay, Faith! Thanks for stopping by. Not only that the cover is erotic the story behind that cover is a scorcher.


Emmy Ellis said...

I echo Faith. That cover is bloody lovely!


Minx Malone said...

I have to admit, the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is my guilty pleasure. It has that "Wow" factor for me.

I just love sexy, vampire alpha males!

Minx Malone

Sierra Wolfe said...

Great post Tierney! I love the idea you've express about a book being like a ride, it's the perfect analogy. Thanks for sharing. LOVE your new cover!!

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