Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Springtime....Time for BDSM, Swinger Parties or Just a Good Old Fashioned Orgy?

Spring is in the air and I'm so READY! Today I enjoyed 75 degree weather with my kids playing on the swingset, having a picnic, just chilling outside with a soft breeze. Sigh.....

I hope wherever you are, you are beginning to thaw from the frigid winter. Jack Frost can bite me!

This kind of weather kicks my creatity into high gear. The world is reborn again. Isn't it the time we all start thinking of eating lighter and hanging outdoors for long walks and just soaking in the sunshine for that all important Vitamin D to absorb into us all and make us whole again? I don't know about you but being cooped up for months on end makes me go nuts! Now I'm charged, like a bear coming out of hibernation, ready to get serious about this manuscript I'm working on and even more serious about my body. Come on now, my baby boy is now 2! 2!!!!! Time to work the extra pounds off. Yeah, I'm like a year late! I know.

This is an issue for so many of my writer friends out there. We are so busy with family and writing, we have little time to exercise but it's so important and recharges us so that we can write more and feel better about ourselves. Our joints get stiff sitting in a chair writing for hours. And I had almost forgotten how good that runner's high feels. Man!

Get this....I ordered this 3 Minute Legs machine after watching one of those late night infomercials. I've had it for a week and have not missed a day of working out. It's really awesome and makes squats super easy! Yeah, I said SQUATS! I hated those tings in gym class. It has like a bicycle seat and you sit on it and it supports you, helps you keep your balance as you squat or do lunges. It also comes with arm attachments so you can do a myriad of arm exercises. I work out 3 times a day for about 20 minutes per day and I feel better already. Hey, I got sick of my treadmill. I would walk for an hour and it was so hard to work that hour in but this is so much easier and fun. Do I sound like an infomercial? I swear, they aren't paying me to say this..lol..I wish!

Anyhow....all that exercise got me to feeling frisky for my honey.....did you just spit out your lemonade? Simmer down. Seriously...I think overheating our bodies and working our muscles tends to get us all warmed up and ready for action....it's only natural...it works on my mind as well, helping me as I write love scenes, putting me in the mood, setting the mood for my writing, just as lighting a candle or popping in a CD would do.

Changing the subject a bit....my love scenes are getting a little crazy these days. I guess I've been experimenting with new stuff. Stuff I've never done in real life. I've been researching insane stuff or maybe not so insane to some of you out there....like different life styles..swingers....ancient harems, the infamous orgy, BDSM and the like. My publisher is asking for hotter so I'm attempting to do that.

What puts you in the mood to write a hot scene? Do you find yourself writing hotter these days to compete with a hotter market or just to express yourself? The research on this topic is pretty interesting and I've even considered attending a swinger's party...yikes! No shit. What do you think? My honey is like..uh...well, let's set some ground rules.

Okay...well I might as well tell you since we're all friends here. I met this girl at a book signing. Turns out she's a swinger. Big time. I'm not. Michael and I are like..hell no. We don't share. However, she said we can go to just watch. Is this insane? I think that if I go, it will probably blow my mind because it's just too surreal to imagine in real life. My husband thinks it will be dirty. Make us feel icky. He may be right. Oh and my friend says we can make love there too...with each other of course...and others can watch. I don't think so.

I really do think I would like to check it out...to see this wild side for myself. I mean...okay...I went to a titty bar once with my husband just to see. At first I was like..holy shit...all these naked women just walking around like it's no big deal. Michael laughs when I try to compare it to the swinger party. He says it's no comparison and tells me to get my soap...a lot of it.

What do you think? Do you think it's worth researching swinger parties or the BDSM life style or do you think we can find all we need to know on the internet?

Have a great week of writing and reading!


J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

If you do go to the party, I want details! LOL!

Alisha said...

LOL!!! Girl, you know you will be the first one I call!!!! Research is sometimes necessary and strange...lol!


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