I try. Really I do. Writers can hide behind their keyboards but once the book is out, we really need to push the introvert aside and let out inner lion roar. Uh..yeah, right, you say. I saw an awesome presentation at my local RWA chapter by Dawna Rand. She's my friend on Facebook if you want to friend her and pick her brain or have her speak at your next workshop. She was AMAZING. She placed colored note cards on our tables and told us to find all the other notecards in the room that shared our color so we could meet new people and network. It was wonderful. I met new writers and some people who just might open up new doors for me as a writer. Networking really is important. And I hate it. Dawna said the only thing she likes about cocktail parties are the cocktails....lol. Me too but those parties are great for networking. We should all force ourselves to speak to others, ask questions and be a good listener.
I'm going to force myself to be a little more extroverted right now and extend an open invitation for writers AND readers to have their own day on my personal blog at http://alishapaige.blogspot.com. I'd love to hear about your upcoming releases, the writing world in general or what you love in a book from readers. Send me any other ideas you have as topics and let me know the date you'd like to blog (except for Tuedays). I'm open to anything. I would really love to connect with more writers and readers. Please shoot me an email at alishapaigewilson@yahoo.com.
Have a great Tuesday!
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