Monday, March 2, 2009

Interview with Sierra Wolfe

Please list places we can find you online…websites, myspace, facebook, blogs, etc.

You can find me at…
My webpage

And of course…here at the Wicked Thorn and Roses blog

Where are you from?

Good ole Missouri. Of course, I work as a traveling nurse, so I’m not always home. You never know where you’ll catch me. ;)

What kind of jobs have you worked while building your writing career?

Oh, wow. I’ve worked a lot of jobs in my time. I don’t know if I’d say they were while I was building my writing career, but since I’ve been writing most of my life to some degree, I guess they were in a way. Anyway, I’ve worked as a waitress, a factory worker in several different kinds of factories, an accounting assistant, a nurse assistant, and a nurse. Let’s just say that I lose interest in things very easily (except writing, of course). Writing is the one thing I’ve never bored of.

When and why did you begin writing?

I don’t know if I have an answer for that. It seems like I’ve always written, in one form or another. I was about 4 years old when I wrote my first poem for my grandma. I remember how proud she was and she put it away to keep. Years later, she pulled it out to show it to me. I’ll never forget it.

Who or what has influenced your writing, and in what way?

One of the influences with me would be my grandma. She was an avid reader. She had a full wall in her bedroom full of shelves of books. She’d read each and every one of them, some of them several times. I was in awe of how many there were. That’s where I inherited my love of reading, and with that, came my love of writing.

What genre are you most comfortable writing?

Any kind of romance. Paranormal, inspirational, contemporary, romantic suspense, you name it, I would take a shot at it. I’d really like to write some young adult books, too.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Actually, I’m lucky enough to have one. The amazing and wonderful Gemma Halliday! NY published author of the “in High Heels” series. For more information, check out her site!
Of course, she's just got started with me, so my bad writing has nothing to do with her teaching, LOL. I know I will learn tons from her, though. And, I'm extremely grateful for her guidance and inspiration. I can't wait to learn everything she has to teach me!!!

What are your current projects?

Too many to mention. I’m the type who has about 5 projects in the works at one time. If I get tired of reading one over and over, I can move on to another for a while. It really works for me.

Do you see writing as a long- or short-term career?

Hopefully, long term. It’s my goal to make it my full-time career. Easier on the back and knees than nursing, LOL. But, I may have to keep nursing at least part-time. Don’t know if I could give it up completely.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything?

Yes, I would have started getting serious sooner. It took me too long to have enough faith in myself to work on it seriously. I still have plenty of moments of self doubt, but it’s getting better.

Do you belong to any writing forums or groups?

Absolutely, I belong to several. But, my favorite place in the whole world is Romance Divas.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Plotter. I’ve tried pantsing, just couldn’t cut it, I’m afraid.

Is there anything additional you would like to share with your readers?

I hope you enjoyed reading a little about me. I’d love it if you would come back often and see what we’re up to. In fact, if you’d follow our blog, I’d be ecstatic! Seriously! Oh, and I love comments! ;)


Rebecca J. Clark said...

Nice to meet you, Sierra. I hope that you can truly make writing your full-time job someday.


Martha Eskuchen said...

Hi Sierra! Nice to get to know a bit about you. That is wonderful that Gemma H is your mentor - wow!
I bet you love those rotten dogs too. :) So nice that your grandma encouraged your writing. Best wishes for success!

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...

Hey, I thought I was one of your mentors? *frowns* - I don't even get a footnote. It's not easy being me.


Sierra Wolfe said...

Thanks Becky! I appreciate the comments and the good wishes for me. Fingers crossed. :D

Thanks for the comments Martha and also the wishes for success. I do love those rotten dogs, hehe.

Kat, you are definitely a big mentor for me. I should have put you down, too. You have been very helpful for the last year since we've met. I wouldn't be as far along as I am without you. You know I love ya!

Margay Leah Justice said...

Hey, Sierra, it was nice getting to know you better! A traveling nurse, huh? My older daughter is going to be studying nursing in college next year. She wants to be a surgical nurse. So happy I found you here!

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