Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm posting this blog right after midnight on Tuesday, June 8th. If you are an author and would like to have the opportunity to be on Rowena Cherry's Crazy Tuesday radio show TODAY FROM 2 TO 4PM EST, READ ON!

My editor needs donated books for a silent auction to benefit her 11-year-old epileptic son, Caleb Warren. He has had one surgery but is still having seizures. The
doctors want to try a new medication before doing a second surgery which
would likely cause him to lose the function of his right arm and leg.
The auction is to raise money for the new medication. Let's help this
courageous little boy.

If you donate a book, you are invited to be on the radio show today. YOU MUST HAVE A LAND LINE TO BE ON THE SHOW. The topic will be the challenges of being an editor/author with a special needs kid. All authors will have a chance to plug their book and read an excerpt and receive global exposure. Email me ASAP with your book, the excerpt and your information so I can let Rowena know. If you cannot be on the show but you still want to donate a book, we will read your book excerpt for you!

Please mail me any books you would like to donate or anything else you
think would do well at a silent auction. They are taking anything. The auction is Wednesday, June 16th.

Please email me at alishapaigewilson@yahoo.com and I will send you the address where to mail your donation.

If you would like to make a monetary contribution, I can email anyone
the flyer with all the information of where to send it. Just let me

Thank you in advance for your help! ~Alisha


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