This holiday, my husband and I decided that we will shop online rather than hunt for gifts at the mall. With meniere's disease still plaguing me, surfing the net at home is the best thing to do. I don't know what to buy for the girls and my husband yet, but I'm sure Amazon will give me its helping hand.
Is it wise to do this? Are online shoppers tend to spend more money compared to the mall shoppers? What are the advantages of shopping online? Disadvantages? Share your thoughts.
If you're one of those online shoppers, I have books available online. (shameless promo) Visit my site at http://tierneyomalley.com
Let's chat. Leave your comments and you might win a copy of my latest book, Irresistible Knight.
She’s a rich wary violinist. He’s an FBI agent always hanging out behind alleys and dirty dumpsters. Together, can they make a beautiful symphony or break each other’s heart?
Tierney O'Malley
Romance Author
I'm not much of an online shopper about the only thing I buy online right now is books. That's because where I live at we don't have a good bookstore any more so if I want the newer books that's the only way to get them.
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for your comment. I heard a lot of people say the same thing. They said online bookstores are great especially when bookstores are miles away from them. Thumbs up to online bookstores.
Tierney O'Malley
I have to agree that shopping for books online is irresistible! ;) As for other shopping, it depends on what it is--my husband definitely does most of his shopping on-line--he does a ton of research on the gadgets he wants, and then is able to order exactly what he wants, usually with some sort of coupon :D I'm not quite so patient, and don't always find on-line shopping all that easy. You can't try things on, and the photos don't always do the item justice! Then returning is a pain! But I do love it when it works out and I haven't even had to set foot in a mall or try to find parking! I dislike crowds immensely, so sometimes it's worth a try to do things on the computer instead of in person! :) Fun topic, Tierney!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
When it comes to clothes, I don't do it online. LOL I've tried it once and am not doing it again. I have to try them on first to buy them.
Gadgets? Oh yeah. Online is fine. You can check the reviews, too.
Our rice cooker arrived yesterday. I purchased it online. So far it's working nicely. : )
Oh man what a hot cover. I would buy this book just so I could drool over the cover. LOL ARe sure makes it easy to buy all the books I want on line without the hubby knowing.
Hi Terra,
Yes! Love the cover, too.
You made me laugh. Hubby not knowing about your purchases is cool. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you all for stopping by. I appreciate it.
Terra, you won a copy of Irresistible Knight. Please send me your email at tierneyomalley at frontier dot com and I will send you a copy right away.
Thank you all.
Lovely blog, thanks for taking the time to share this
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