Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Circle City: Lord of the Wolfen: Book I (Axl's Story) IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm super excited! Today I get to share Axl and Zoe with the world! Circle City: Lord of the Wolfen - Book I is NOW AVAILABLE in ebook format for .99! It will release in print next month!

For Your Kindle

For Your Nook

Circle City Blurb
On the edge of civilization, there is a place called Circle City, Alaska. The last town before the Yukon Flats gives way to frigid desolation. When Zoe O'Brien, a secluded widow, kills a crazed mother wolf and saves the only cub from sure death, she ignites a war between the Wolfen Clan and the Kontar Clan. The wolf people have been enemies of the dog people for centuries and the cub she takes in is heir to the Wolfen throne. Taken prisoner by the Wolfen for murder and kidnapping, Zoe is forced to see and do things with creatures she never knew existed, held against her will in a world she both desires and fears. Axl Wolfdorn is coming of age, ready for his Unleashing and on the hunt for his Moonswan, the female he will choose for the Chase and the royal Feral Consummation. But how can he consider bonding with a mate when the only scent deep within his nose is the tangy scent of the woman who saved his life, the very woman who forced his clan into war, the woman he must now kill to avenge his mother's death?

Spread Love,


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