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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Final Competition for the Year
What are the rules? Well, they are simple. If your picture is chosen, you get a free PDF copy of any of my books, present and future (you can wait for a release and a copy will be sent to you on release day) You will also be credited on the site. If the man is naked, make sure he is intact. I only write about intact men unless there is a very good reason for them not to be (as those of you who read my stories will know)
Also, I know I have a lot of young men reading my books, so if you would like to 'be' in a story you can send a picture in of yourself. Your name can be used or I can make up one. I will just write the character using your photo. Of course, self pics are not required to be naked for obvious reasons. Also, I may ask a couple of questions of you such as, body build, height, weight, etc etc as sometimes that information isn't easy to discern, especially if its just a portrait.
So that's it. I have two more stories to pen, Sarge's Angel and Atlantica Dream. So there are four main characters to fill, two for each. Go for it!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A new year and new goals!

2010 sure has rushed by us, huh? Now we are almost in to 2011. I don't have any big exciting plans for New Year's Eve except going to the Fiesta Bowl Parade during the day. Wahoo!
Besides the parade, I set my goals for 2011. I don't the goals I set as New Year's resolutions either. Whats the difference? To me, New Year's resolutions are only things people say because we always have... kind like a tradition and don't set ourselves up to follow through with them. Goals are different. The goals feel real and gives us something to work toward. You might disagree and resolutions may work for you which is perfectly fine with me. This is just how I feel about the two.
Anyway, for 2010 my goals were to get 3 book contracts for the three manuscripts I had finished. I made the goal in November of last year and received those contracts all before the new year rang in. For 2011 I want something similar. Contracts for both manuscipts I have finished. I also want to finished two manuscripts that I've been working on most of this year. I need to finish them... it seems like I'm stalled and would love to work on a new writing project but can't until these two are finished!
So you might say that getting contracts are not good goals because I don't decide if a publisher offers me one... it isn't a controlable situation. Well, in my eyes it is. If I target the right publishers and my story is good, they most likely will offer me one. What you put into the situation is what you get out of it.
That's all from me for today... What are your goals or resolutions for the new year and cheers to the upcoming 2011.
Wendy Ely
Saturday, December 25, 2010
I know everyone is busy today with the holidays, so I won't keep you long. I received my first round of edits yesterday on Christmas Eve! YAY! But that's not what my post is about...
This question is something I've been thinking a lot about lately. Do you as a reader prefer to read longer length novels (say 60K-100K words) or shorter length novels (anything under 60K)? I prefer the longer novels so I can really get to know the characters and if there's a sequel to them, even better! Sometimes I like the shorter length novels because it gives me something to read quickly and then I can get back to my own writing.
What about you? What type of novels do you prefer?
Thanks so much to all of our readers! You guys are what make this blog worth all the effort!
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! And any other saying I've forgotten!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Christmas To All
Enjoy and see you all after the last of the Turkey and Ham has been used up in sandwiches :-)
Click here
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Its almost Christmas time!

Saturday, December 18, 2010
WARNING: The content of this prequel may be considered highly inflammatory to those with a sensitive nature. I do not endorse or reject Christianity in any manner whatsoever. This is a fictional story only and does not reflect my personal beliefs as it relates to Christianity. If you have a question about my belief in Christianity, I'll be happy to discuss it with you in a civilized manner through e-mails at gracen.miller@yahoo.com.
Madison shrunk further into the corner of the church bench, wishing she could shrink out of sight. Maybe if she were out of Daddy’s sight, she’d be out of his mind too, she thought as she blinked back the stinging tears. A hurried peek around the church sanctuary confirmed no one else witnessed her setback.
Unsure what she’d done to receive his censure this time, she offered a weak, “Yes, sir, I’m sorry, Daddy.”
Not that an apology ever appeased him.
“It’s not me you should be apologizing too, young lady, but the Lord,” he snapped drawing to his five-foot six stature. “If you don’t repent and alter your ways, God’ll see you burn in Hell.”
“Yes, sir, I understand.” She hoped she sounded meek enough to suit his temper or she’d find herself on her knees after church service praying for her soul. Depending upon his mood, she could pray for hours without a restroom break or a knee break. And boy, oh, boy, could her knees suffer brutal agony in that position.
It would be great if she knew what to repent so she could avoid the burn of Hell. She didn’t want to burn any more than he wanted her to burn. A typical complaint centered on her appearance. Her hair was too blonde, her eyes too blue, her boobs too big and her figure too lush for her too-tall frame. At 15 she was already three and a half inches taller than him. All these complaints apparently forced men to sin against God by lusting after her. Not that she encouraged men to lust after her, mind you, but on the off chance that they did, it was still her fault in Daddy’s eyes.
“Brother Wescott,” Becca Slayter said with her hand extended to her father, cheap red lipstick smeared outside the lip-line of her saggy mouth. The over-abundance of lipstick did not give her the appearance of fuller lips. Reminded of another one of her father’s complaints—her lips were too full and sensual—Madison pinched her lips together. “I wanted to extol how much your sermon last Sunday enriched my life this week. Why I was telling Cynthia Jones…”
Madison stopped listening to Becca Slayter’s conversation with her dad because she didn’t much like ‘Sister’ Becca or her high-pitched annoying voice. And she was old, like thirty or thirty-five, and all Sister Becca ever did was brag about some new object she’d received.
She peeked around the sanctuary and took special care not to openly snag the gaze of any man. Opening her worn leather-bound Holy Bible to the Gospel of Luke, she began to read and mentally pray God would forgive her for whatever sin she’d committed. If she were lucky, by the time Daddy finished his morning sermon he would forget all about her morally damned soul. She sure didn’t want to spend the afternoon praying on her knees.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Sangrille Christmas Out Now!
A Sangrille Christmas is out now! Click here to own your very own copy :-)
Two years ago, Leroy Sangrille, a werewolf, ran away from home, unable to cope any more with his father's abuse. Since then he has found happiness and love in his boyfriend Jordan Williams. A man who completes him and makes him forget about past worries. His life is perfect.
Or so he believes...
Out of the blue, Leroy gets an invitation to the traditional Sangrille Christmas Howling from his mother. Jordan convinces him to go, and from that moment on, his perfect world is turned upside down as he discovers the real reason why his father was so abusive. Mother Sangrille has a plan, and through her, Leroy and Jordan will discover that the secrets of the past will re-shape the future in ways they would have never believed.
“You know all this. You know everything about me and my family. But what do I know about your family, hmm?”
“Enough to know that when I say they’re freaks, that’s what they are.”
Jordan sighed again. “Is it too much to ask to want to know more about your past?”
“Can we talk about this later, my love?” Leroy kissed him again. He hoped the gentle tongue play he soon found himself overwhelmed in would convince Jordan that other matters were more important right now.
It worked.
Jordan groaned, the first sign he wanted Leroy in an intimate way and had resigned to that fact. Leroy knew Jordan wouldn’t give up. He would have to tell him sooner or later, especially now that he was expected to attend the clan’s Christmas function. No one in the clan went against his mother and it was obviously her idea that he was invited this year. She was the one who saved him from death at his father’s hand when he was born. Why? Leroy didn’t know. Maybe it was guilt. Leroy was the runt of a litter of six, one brother and four sisters. Perhaps his mother saw something in him the others did not.
Jordan knocked Leroy out of his reverie. “Then give me that something I like quick before I change my mind and get all persistent on you.”
“Sure thing.” Leroy found it hard to fight back the pain of the past. He was thankful he had Jordan. The man who had saved him when he was in werewolf form more than two years. Back when his father had confronted him, the result of his homelessness.
Jordan’s eyes flashed concern again. “They don’t know you’re gay, do they?”
Leroy didn’t answer straight away. Instead, he came so that he was on top of Jordan, rubbing his cock against his stomach. Hard as ever, seconds later. When he did reply, he said, “It’s worse than that.”
Jordan writhed underneath him on the bed, a gentle moan filling Leroy’s ears with delight. Their skin on skin contact was so wonderful, so enticing, that soon they were a tangle of limbs. “They did something to you, didn’t they?”
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Gotta Loooove Book Trailers!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Life at 45
Here I am five years later and I'm multi-published now, but still no where closer to that fame I've chased. My books sell, but not as well as I'd like. I think I have a loyal fan base, but I can only tell that by units sold, not by any thing resembling fan mail, because that seems to be another thing that passes me by. It makes me wonder why. I hear a lot of my friends, pubbed with the same houses as I am, talking about all the fan mail they get. Really? I have my email and contact info at the end of every book, why aren't people emailing me?
I don't get it.
But then, I'm not one to email my fav authors either, so at least that much of it, I'll understand. But that's just me. Obviously there are readers out there who do email authors. *Turns to Wicked Thorn friends* Do you folks get fan mail? I'm just curious.
So, anyhoo, I decdided at the beginning of Nov. I was going to take a new approach to my writing - or at least add a new approach to it. 90K in 90 days and then get that book polished and sent out to agents. Then another one, in a different genre--since I write in so many different ones--and get that one out. So, by April, I should have at least two ready to make the rounds at agents. Two books, separate genres. See which one takes off first. *cross your fingers. wish me luck. all that jazz*
So, that's the writing life at 45, but what about other things?
Well, I have no idea where this neck pain I've developed over the last few days is coming from, but hubby assures me he had the same pain last week. Oh, really? Well, that's one birthday present I could have done without. The fact I've been kind of off kilter in my diet and exercise regimen hasn't been doing me proud either. I've found over the last six months that I really do like working out. If for no other reason than it helps keep me focused. I know it sounds weird, but I tend to think better when I'm doing regular exercises. Probably has to do with increasing cerebreal bloodflow or something like that. I've also noticed that my hand doesn't go as numb. (The one I didn't have carpel tunnel surgery on yet.) --However, with the time change, it's gotten me all screwed up with my workouts. I had a loverly little routine going from summer to fall. I'd write until about 4 in the afternoon then take a little break to workout, drink my protein shake then shower and go back to writing. Not now. I can't seem to motivate myself before the sun goes down. And I don't know why, it seems once the sun goes down it's time to relax and just kick back rather than get off my duffer and workout. I know I need to. I know I feel better when I do. I know I have to or I gain weight like crazy. I'm just not listening to my own advice. Very bad.
But I vow to get better. Just as soon as this head cold clears up.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
One wicked wish
Wicked Night Before Christmas is still one of the most popular books on KOBO.
Lucas McLeod fell in love with his sister's best friend who enjoys bantering with him. He is fighting the urge,temptation to cross the fine line between friendship and lovers. But Lucas lost. When he succumbs to passion and makes love with her, he knows she is the one he wants to grow old with. Before he leaves for Florida, he gives her his promise. He will be back.
She tried to ignore him…
Cara Saint Regis is devastated when Lucas, her best friend's brother and the man she believes will come back for her arrives in the cabin with his high school sweetheart instead. Worse, she catches them French kissing. A few days before Christmas, Cara's heartache turns into a blinding jealousy and anger. But deep inside her heart, her love and desire remains strong and true.
Will love, passion, and the spirit of holidays help them reunite in time to celebrate Christmas?
Being around Cara is a test. Her nearness inflames his desire. Their closeness reminds him of what he's been missing--her touch, smile, and her kisses. He misses her. Lucas wonders if his burning need to be with her again can wait until Christmas Eve to answer the wish she wrote on the paper and hung on the Christmas tree-a wicked night before Christmas.
Tierney O’Malley
Romance/Paranormal Author
Free Story
Australian Zero-G Wrestling team in Disarray

The Zero-G wrestling Team from left to right: Coach, Andrew Macmillion; Middle weight, Padrig O'Malley; Light weight, Chalky Jones; Heavy weight and team Captain, Jasper Arnold.
After a shock round one loss in the gold medal match, the Australian Zero-G wrestling team competing in the 150th Olympiad on board the geosynchronous orbiting 'Olympic Park' facility, couldn't even use a light game of spot rugby to cheer them up earlier today. Has their loss affected more than their moral? Or will their captain, Jasper Arnold be able to drag his team up from the doldrums so they can win the next round and stay in contention for the gold medal? If they can win two of the three rounds, it will be the first time Australia has won such an accolade and all of our hopes are right there with the guys as they get ready for round two in the best of three game for gold! Go Australia!
For more on this story click on the m/m goodreads here Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
An Amazing Sensation

Friday, December 3, 2010
30 Days of Decadence
Wish me congratulations—or maybe it should be commiseration—as I am officially the proud owner of a six month old blue Great Dane, named Ella. (Ella…such a sweet name for such a horse-breed dog!) I sure hope she and my Daschund learn to love one another. Can you think of a more mismatched pair than a Daschund and Great Dane? Ha! I can't. I'll post pictures of her next week, as she doesn't officially join my family until Sunday.
With good intentions?
Or by demonic design?
In a small, sleepy Alabama town the battle for mankind's liberty has begun...
“You’re morally damned, Madison Grace Wescott!” Bruce Wescott screamed the outraged whisper into his daughter’s face. “It shames me to recognize you as my daughter.”
Madison shrunk further into the corner of the church bench, wishing she could shrink out of sight. Maybe if she were out of Daddy’s sight, she’d be out of his mind too, she thought as she blinked back the stinging tears. A hurried peek around the church sanctuary confirmed no one else witnessed her setback.
Unsure what she’d done to receive his censure this time, she offered a weak, “Yes, sir, I’m sorry, Daddy.”
Not that an apology ever appeased him.
The latest question posed to Dear Miss Havana:
"My neighbor squeals like a pig while having sex. I can hear this unsightly noise through the wall. How do I broach the subject with her? Sincerely, Itchy in Indiana."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
So You Want to Touch My 'Junk'?
Option 1) Before you go to an airport with one of these scanner, pick up a rather nifty little pair of Rocky Flats Gear briefs (yes, you can google that. It is the real deal). Simply put, they are underwear for both men and women with a lead-free radiation shielding for your gonads/junk/breasts. They come in an assortment of designs for the 'protective part' the most popular being the fig-leaf design. Now you can walk proudly though a scanner with your bits and pieces safe from both radiation and wandering eyes! Win/win!
Option 2) Go online (or travel to Florence) and grab yourself a pair of Michelangelo's David boxer briefs. If you do decided to go to Florence, you can marvel at the work of art that is David (foreskin and all) and then, step outside the museum and see one of those lovely souvenir vendors who will be more than happy to sell you a pair of briefs/boxers with David's actual size doodle printed on the front. Why would this help you with a scanner, I hear you ask. Simple. Place your newly bought David doodle boxers on the outside of your clothing and wear it everywhere while in an airport. By the time you get to a scanner, most folk will believe you completely crazy and will A) ignore you B) laugh at you C) not give a shit when you actually do go through the scanner because you've already paraded around with a picture of a dick printed on your clothing. Seeing your real thing just won't be a big deal after that. Sorry, girls, this one only works for guys!
Option 3) When traveling, take with you a good porn mag/willing partner. (this is my fav!) When you get to a scanner, stop and read the mag/get partner to offer manual help. What this will achieve is you becoming aroused and therefore giving those who run the scanner your full mast! I mean, if someone's going to see me naked, then why not while in all my erectile glory! It will give the poor customs staff something to giggle about and you'll feel proud by the fact you've been able to give them something to talk about.
Option 4) Don't go through the scanner, go for the search instead. Of course, such an option has brought to light the most profound words of our modern world:
Customs officer: "Sir, I am going to slide my hand slowly down the left hand side of your groin."
Airport traveler: "You touch my junk and I'll have you arrested."
See? Classic?
Well, that's it folks...until next time...happy reading and happy travels! Next week I will be announcing my Christmas release with a competition, too!
WTR Authors Giveaway
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Blog Archive
- Final Competition for the Year
- A new year and new goals!
- Happy Christmas To All
- Its almost Christmas time!
- A Sangrille Christmas Out Now!
- Gotta Loooove Book Trailers!
- Life at 45
- One wicked wish
- Free Story
- An Amazing Sensation
- 30 Days of Decadence
- So You Want to Touch My 'Junk'?