2010 sure has rushed by us, huh? Now we are almost in to 2011. I don't have any big exciting plans for New Year's Eve except going to the Fiesta Bowl Parade during the day. Wahoo!
Besides the parade, I set my goals for 2011. I don't the goals I set as New Year's resolutions either. Whats the difference? To me, New Year's resolutions are only things people say because we always have... kind like a tradition and don't set ourselves up to follow through with them. Goals are different. The goals feel real and gives us something to work toward. You might disagree and resolutions may work for you which is perfectly fine with me. This is just how I feel about the two.
Anyway, for 2010 my goals were to get 3 book contracts for the three manuscripts I had finished. I made the goal in November of last year and received those contracts all before the new year rang in. For 2011 I want something similar. Contracts for both manuscipts I have finished. I also want to finished two manuscripts that I've been working on most of this year. I need to finish them... it seems like I'm stalled and would love to work on a new writing project but can't until these two are finished!
So you might say that getting contracts are not good goals because I don't decide if a publisher offers me one... it isn't a controlable situation. Well, in my eyes it is. If I target the right publishers and my story is good, they most likely will offer me one. What you put into the situation is what you get out of it.
That's all from me for today... What are your goals or resolutions for the new year and cheers to the upcoming 2011.
Wendy Ely
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