The Galactic Gazette
Australian Zero-G Wrestling team in Disarray
Australian Zero-G Wrestling team in Disarray

The Zero-G wrestling Team from left to right: Coach, Andrew Macmillion; Middle weight, Padrig O'Malley; Light weight, Chalky Jones; Heavy weight and team Captain, Jasper Arnold.
After a shock round one loss in the gold medal match, the Australian Zero-G wrestling team competing in the 150th Olympiad on board the geosynchronous orbiting 'Olympic Park' facility, couldn't even use a light game of spot rugby to cheer them up earlier today. Has their loss affected more than their moral? Or will their captain, Jasper Arnold be able to drag his team up from the doldrums so they can win the next round and stay in contention for the gold medal? If they can win two of the three rounds, it will be the first time Australia has won such an accolade and all of our hopes are right there with the guys as they get ready for round two in the best of three game for gold! Go Australia!
For more on this story click on the m/m goodreads here Enjoy!
That is one yummmmmy picture!
Lordy, I'll go to bed thinking about these delicious men!
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