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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tales of the Strange
Now, I'll admit I looked for the pictures online and couldn't find them. Sorry, I really wanted to post them here, and since he's asleep, I'm not going to wake him in order to find out the exact web address where they were located. But I am curious enough to try again when he wakes up.
Even so, what a cool idea: Space Jellies!!!
I am an off again-on again reader of Fate Magazine. Inside their pages is a vast world full of the strange, paranormal, unexplained and just plain wild. It's a great place to find story ideas, though I can't say I've ever developed one directly from a story they've had, but I think bits and pieces have filtered into my brain and germinated over the years. They then get spit out wrapped up in some other tale and hardly recognizable. But that's cool. That's the way ideas work. Take something you find interesting and then develope something unique taking elements from that and something else. My point here is that years ago in Fate Magazine they ran a story about commercial pilots reporting seeing things in the air that looked like jellyfish. I remember the story distinctly and thinking, "What, are you kidding me?"
Now, I don't know about you, but when I fly my eyes are closed and I'm snoring at an altitude of 35,000 feet. I wouldn't have seen any jellyfish like creatures if they'd have been pushing the drink cart.
But for the sake of argument (and creative exercise) let's say there really are jellyfish living up in the atmosphere somewhere. What do you think their story is? Are they repairing the wilting ozone? Are they star-travelers who can traverse the galaxy without the benefit of ship or FTL drives? Or do they live up there cleaning the pollutants that are belched out from factories and car emissions? Is that what they eat? Maybe they survive on the chemicals floating around in our atmosphere and the more polluted it becomes the better eats for them.
What do your jellyfish do?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Gracen's Wicked Giveaway
1. Follow this blog and you'll be entered in this contest once.
2. If you’ve already read my book Elfin Blood, e-mail me at gracen.miller@yahoo.com with CONTEST in the subject line and answer the following question:
What tattoo is on Julija’s hand?
(Your name will be entered in the contest 5 times.)
3. Purchase a copy of my book, Elfin Blood, and send me a copy of the receipt at gracen.miller@yahoo.com with CONTEST in the subject line. There are several buy links where Elfin Blood can be found, depending upon your haunt…Here are several of them (click on the name to be directed to the link):
Noble Romance Publishing, Lybrary.com, AllRomanceeBooks, ereadable.com, diesel-ebooks.com, Powell’s books powells.com, ebookpie.com and OmniLit.com. (Your name will be entered in the contest 5 times.)
To gain additional entries: You can gain 5 additional entries to the contest by reposting this contest and tell me where the link was reposted.
Contest runs until March 5, 2010. Good luck to all entrants!
Below are the first three chapters of Elfin Blood and reviews from other readers and/or reviewers:
G.R. Bretz reviewed Elfin Blood and I love this comment by him: “Stopping in the middle of this story would have been as feasible as stopping in the middle of sex.” To read the complete review, go here.
Sheila Deeth reviewed Elfin Blood and said: “Gracen Miller creates an interesting cast of characters in Elfin Blood, and fills their world with delightfully intriguing
surprises. Very nicely done Gracen, and definitely not your granny’s or granddaughter’s romance.” To read the complete review click here and scroll down to the first comment.Deb at Dark Diva Reviews reviewed Elfin Blood, gave it 5 Delightful Divas and a Recommended Read, and said: “Elfin Blood is pure Magic! It is a story worth reading over and over again.” To read the complete review, go here.

Chapter One
Julija squinted against the sun’s harsh rays. Not even her darkly tinted sunglasses entirely cut the glare. The frames slid down her sweat-slick nose. She pushed them back up and looked around, her impatience rising. For the fifth time in as many minutes, she glanced at her watch. Two minutes left. She resettled her gaze on the odd-looking house across the street.
The structure looked more like a fortress than an actual home and gave her the creeps. It was too gothic, too dark, and contrary to her light-imbued life.
Made from slate, the house reached high into the sky like a castle with its domed ceilings. Gargoyles carved from stone rested above the windows, as if offering protection from demonic entities. With a vampire in residence, perhaps they did.
She shuddered to think of it as a home, but the richest, most powerful man in the city of Veil—Landau Jamieson the IV or V or something along that order—considered it such. The man was the sole reason she stood here, or rather the vampire disguised as a man was the sole reason. Ironically the city’s residents considered him royalty. Hell, more like Batman of Gotham in these parts.
Priceless. Absolutely priceless. For no other purpose other than to make herself feel good, Julija rolled her eyes beneath the thick shades.
The vampire had stolen the Ivory Elfin Book of Lore. The ancient tome detailing every creature in existence, including the fey, had been entrusted to the Elves at the dawn of creation. Whoever possessed the book also possessed great knowledge, expertise that could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. Ownership of the book also ensured great power, power she could not allow a vampire to keep.
For a week now, Julija had watched him and tried to gauge the best time to strike. Failure was not an option for the best thief among the Elves. Secretly, she was proud of her talent; it had served her people well. Elves were renowned for their light step, and it just so happened her fingers were stickier than most of her kind.
Security systems could not deter her; she possessed enough magic to nix the best system in the world.
She would retrieve the book, once she figured out how to bypass the perceptive vampire and his minions. One thing still puzzled her—how had the vampire stolen it to begin with when only Elf Royals were allowed to touch it? Another dilemma for her since she was not an Elf Royal.
Her best chance to retrieve it would be in two days when the vampire attended the depot dedication of Veil's newly renovated train station. Feeling melodramatic about the event, she rolled her eyes again. How humans loved to waste money. The homeless lived near the train station, beneath the bridges in cardboard boxes. Died there too, while the station went through elaborate renovations for the wealthy and elite.
Julija glanced at her watch again as the black limousine rolled to a halt in front of the vampire’s home. Like clockwork, the man left for work every day at precisely the same time. Talk about being a creature of habit!
The vampire in question strode about as blatant as he pleased in daylight. Daylight! Vampires and daylight mixed like metal and acid. Daylight and acid were supposed to vaporize vampires and metal, but apparently not so with this vampire.
Every cocky step he took reeked arrogance. While she pondered how he managed to keep from melting beneath the sunlight, he lifted his head. Their gazes locked.
Cool as ice, and trained for confrontations, she returned his gaze. While not the most skilled fighter, she possessed some ability in that area.
Landau’s stylishly cut, dark blonde hair gleamed like gold beneath the bright sun. The man was tall, broad shouldered, and athletically built. The charcoal gray business suit, tailored precisely to fit his frame, bespoke wealth—not money, but wealth. Even from this distance, he oozed pheromones and drew her like an addictive narcotic. That could be dangerous for her elfin libido—inordinately high in comparison to other fey creatures.
The vampire tossed her a crooked grin before sliding into the back seat, leaving little question in her mind he’d spotted her. Unmoving, she watched as the limo pulled away.
Perfect. He knows he’s being watched.
Although gone from the residence, unfortunately that didn’t mean Landau left his home unguarded. Oh, no, nothing could be that easy.
Flagrant to her elfin eyes, his home embodied magic. Translated, that meant he’d opened the Ivory Elfin Book of Lore and was, in fact, utilizing the spells in the book. In all likelihood he’d used the same witchery to protect himself from the glaring sun.
Because of this, she’d have to kill him once she had the book in her possession again.
* * * * *
Landau adjusted the black sunglasses on his face and glanced out the limousine window.
The woman on the bench appealed to him with her pale, almost white, blonde hair. Through her thick shades he’d assessed her eyes to be pale blue with barely a hint of color, rather albino in nature. Her milky white complexion had looked softer than satin. He wondered how such delicate skin would bruise.
But she had an agenda. Either she was a reporter—not likely—or up to no good. Bingo! Landau couldn’t wait to find out the no good part. A long time had passed since he’d enjoyed himself.
Although he’d tried, he couldn’t read her mind. She possessed one of few human minds he couldn’t penetrate. Or she wasn’t human. The phenomena lent her an air of mystery. Even though he couldn't glean her thoughts, he knew her mind worked at top speed, planning, scheming, and devising until a perfect little blueprint had been mapped out in her mind. Her eyes were too shrewd to suggest otherwise.
He’d tossed her a snarky little grin before entering the limo, just to let her know he knew she was stalking him. That should leave give her something to think about. He chuckled then addressed his bodyguard. “Find out who she is.”
“Immediately,” Edward, an Abecedarian—a fledgling, in human terms—agreed and then tipped his nose in the air and sniffed as if in disdain over being assigned such a menial task.
Chapter Two
Alberic, the Ivory King—a pain in the ass old geezer in Julija’s opinion—greeted her at the hotel door. “I assume the man followed the same routine as before?”
“Yep,” she replied, ambling past him and collapsing onto the sofa. Julija set her feet down on the coffee table, crossed her ankles and looked up at him.
With arms crossed over his chest, he sent her a disgruntled gaze. Long, white-blonde hair fell to the middle of his back, interspersed with a braid of ebony on the right side of his head . . . the mark of the Ivory King. Alberic looked twenty, but was more like twenty thousand years old. He’d been around since the beginning of creation. Because of his age, he thought he knew every fucking thing about the universe. In Julija’s opinion, very few things were worse than dealing with a self-professed know-it-all.
“Have you conceived a plan?” he asked.
Why must he always talk down to her? Who said she needed a keeper anyway? If she found out who, she’d strangle the cretin when she returned home. She was a thief, not some freaky highborn elf with truly scary abilities, and she hungered to do her job without every move being questioned.
To piss him off, Julija shrugged. The subtle white-flare in his eyes suggested she’d hit her mark. “I figure the Depot dedication is the best time.”
“Figure?” He arched a snowy eyebrow.
She wanted to rip the blasted thing off and shove it down his insufferable throat.
Yeah,” she replied, trying to sound bland and fooling herself into believing she didn’t give a damn about her impertinence. To push her point, she arched her own eyebrow. A ballsy move, but Alberic’s elitist attitude rubbed her the wrong way.
“And if you’re wrong?”
Talk about playing the devil’s advocate. “I’m not.”
“But what if you are?”Alberic persisted.
“Look.” She sat up and rested her forearm on a knee. “I’m the thief. Allow me to do my job, will ya?”
“It doesn't feel right, Julija.”
“Is that your hocus pocus talking?” She shot back, waggling a finger.
“This is our future.”
His impatience grated on her nerves.
“Need I remind you he’s elfin kin?” he added.
Julija shot to her feet, fisting her fingers into her palms. “Have I ever let you down?”
The white eyebrow rose again. Really she ought to be promoted to sainthood for having to deal with the Ivory King.
* * * * *
Landau relaxed in his office chair and flipped a pen through his fingers when Doreen and Edward, his Abecedarian vampire children, entered his office. Doreen’s hand was laced into the crook of Edward’s elbow.
The sun had dipped below the horizon. Spells from the Ivory Elfin Book of Lore had provided Landau with a means to endure sunlight, had granted him freedom from the night’s slavery. He’d not divulged his secret to any other vampire and had only protected Edward from the sun because he needed his assistance during the day.
Doreen’s short, glossy black hair curled around her pixie face, and her sable eyes were enhanced by her dark makeup. Gracefully, she perched on the edge of her chair, crossing her ankles daintily. Edward stood behind her in full military stance.
“Find anything?” Landau asked.
“A name only,” Edward responded.
“You like her?” Doreen drew her mouth into an orchestrated pout.
“She intrigues me.” No human had the ability to hold his fascination. “Her name?”
“She checked into the hotel as Julija Sinclair.”
“Real name?”
Edward shrugged. “She’s a ghost.”
She wasn’t a ghost. History existed about her somewhere; it was a matter of finding it. “Family or friends?”
“Some chap is holed up with her.”
He delivered Edward a direct stare, an indication for him to continue.
“He’s not registered at the hotel, but I did discover one other bit of information. According to the hotel clerk, Julija likes to patronize Ravens.”
Landau rubbed his temples. Ravens was a nightclub that catered to individuals with a taste for debauchery.
“What’s the name of their hotel?"
“Veil Suites Inn, room 486.”
A low-end establishment. Landau frowned. Could she be after money? Did she hope to extort or blackmail him in some way?
“Does she visit other locations with regularity?”
A smile curled Edward’s lips. “Other than your home, that is?”
“Yeah, smartass,” he said with a grin.
Ravens. Wow. The girl had an itch to scratch if she frequented the hardcore-not-for-the-faint-of-heart club. Landau rubbed his chin. Tonight would be a good night to pay a visit to Ravens.
Chapter Three
Landau entered the dimly lit club a little before midnight. A wave of rambling thoughts flooded him. With concerted effort, he managed to push them back and focus on the singer and the strangled words:
Oh, Dark Angel of death
Come feast upon my breath . . . .
The bottled-blonde, needle-loving singer belted out the lyrics in an ear-screeching howl. The blaring music pulsated inside Landau’s head, and the walls seemed to swell with the cumbersome beat. Horrible stuff. He preferred the Jazz Club up on Dixon Avenue.
While people from all walks of life danced to the music, he mentally probed the room, hoping his stalker would be here tonight.
Is that Landau Jamieson? He heard the thought from someone’s mind before pushing it aside and sifting through those open to him.
Wham! He winced when his mentalism struck a blockade. Again, he probed and again, wham . . . blocked.
With his gaze roaming the crowd, he felt the blood pulse through his brain. A satisfied grin tilted the corner of his lips. Ah, there she was.
Landau’s hunt had come to an abrupt halt.
Julija’s white-blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. He decided her eyes were ice blue without the shades deepening their hue. Her outfit displayed her dicey curves.
A man sat across from her with his back to Landau, his bearing rigid, almost regal. The stiff line of his spine suggested he found this hellhole highly offensive.
With her fingertips, Julija massaged her temples. Landau slid up to their table.
“Hello, darling,” he drawled, drawing Julija’s gaze.
His little stalker merely glared at him. Landau leaned an elbow on the table, blocking her view of her male friend. Her gaze grew frostier.
“Careful, careful.” He waved a finger at her and dropped his voice to his most charming tone. “You don’t want to give me frostbite.”
She looked at her companion, and Landau thought he saw irony in the icy-blue depths of her eyes. He smiled before canting his head around to take stock of her friend. The man stared into his eyes with a tight, knowing smile.
Landau stumbled back a step. Realizing he’d reacted unseemly, he planted his feet and found himself gawking at the strand of black braided hair and the silvery white eyes. “To what do I owe the honor of the Ivory King’s presence in my fair city?”
“Ivory what?” Julija echoed in feigned disbelief.
“Save it, love,” he said with a killing glance, mocking her lie. “And why are you stalking me?” Clearly, her features were elfin.
“Oh, do beg off.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not stalking you.”
“Your life’s in danger,” the highborn elf said.
“What?” Landau narrowed his eyes at the royal cretin. “And I suppose you’re here to protect me?”
The snot inclined his head.
Landau scoffed. “Bulletin! I’m a vampire.”
“Save it, love,” Julija shot back at him.
Landau whipped his head about and raised his eyebrows.
She gave him a tight smile. “Call yourself whatever you like; you’re still a Crimson Elf.”
He felt his nostrils flare. “Yeah,” he said with a sneer, his incisors exposed. Under normal circumstances, he could conceal them, but from the moment he’d caught sight of Julija he’d been unable to contain them. “That didn’t seem to matter when the rest of you fucking elves decided to eradicate us. Don’t expect me to believe you suddenly care.”
“We allowed your race to survive.” The sardonic comment came from her snotty friend.
“So you have.” His sarcasm should have knocked the breath from their lungs.
His people shouldn’t have been exterminated. They hadn’t asked to become a new elfin race, driven by bloodlust, never to see the sun again, never to screw again. Of all the curses to choose from, he wasn’t sure which had been the biggest blow. Elves were known among other races for their high libidos. In the end, his elfin kin had turned against their own kind.
Landau raked his gaze over the elf-man. “I believe I recall you from another time.”
Before Landau became a vampire at Chaos’ whim, he’d known the Ivory King well, and this elf wasn’t king then. The elf cocked his head to the side, awaiting further comment.
“Do you like what you see?” Landau turned his attention to Julija instead of elaborating, snubbing the royal elf.
Julija sputtered. “I b-beg your . . . um . . . pardon?”
“You were studying me.”
“No.” She sniffed and scrunched her nose as if his scent offended her. “I wasn’t.”
He found the situation amusing and called her bluff with a knowing grin. Intrigued, he watched her eyes focus on his fangs before she licked her lips. Her gaze felt like a caress. Hell, even his cock responded with a twitch, a fascinating reaction. Not simply because he’d been impotent for ten thousand years, but also because she was an elf. Lust was an oddity. Being aroused by an Ivory Elf—an enemy—was ludicrous.
“Would you care to dance?” Landau surprised himself with the request.
She flicked a nervous glance in the direction of the man-elf. She swallowed hard and replied crisply, “I don't dance.”
“Good,” Landau purred. Cool fingers clamped around her wrist and yanked her to her feet. She squawked like any human would and stumbled to catch her footing. “Then I'll have the pleasure of teaching you.”
Smiling by the time he reached the dance floor with his unwanted partner in tow, he turned to her and said, “Let’s tango.”
She glared up at him, and all Landau could think about was her sexy curves. Her hands hugged her hips, the bright red painted nails stark against her pale flesh. The low-rider jeans exposed a swath of skin where her pants and buttercup shirt gapped. Her belly was flat, her navel pierced with a dangling glitter of rubies. Elves loved sparkly trinkets. Her divine top fell into a deep V, exposing the swell of her full breasts.
Definitely fuckable.
Although he hadn’t taken a woman since his transformation, he burned with the desire to fuck her, and the whore-inspired clothing clinging to her body implied she was easy.
Even in heels, she barely reached his chin, and he could easily lift her up and screw her against the wall. While everyone watched. If only he had the capability.
“What part of ‘I don’t dance’ don’t you get, vampire?”
Angry, she fairly spat the word vampire. Her feral eyes gleamed and turned him on, as did the fury smoking her voice.
“How about the part where I don’t give a damn?”
“Go to hell!” Her eyes sparked again and Landau found it sexually fascinating.
“You’re making a scene.”
Julija glanced about the bar. Several other patrons stared in their direction, but she shrugged, confirming his suspicion that she didn’t give a shit. “Your problem; you’re the prince here, not me.”
She turned to walk away, but before she took a step he clamped his fingers around her upper arm and snatched her around. He snaked his other arm around her waist as he drew her to him.
Her nostrils flared.
Supremely satisfied he’d gotten a rise out of her, the next thing he knew his mouth claimed hers. Their teeth met and she moaned, no doubt from pain, but he hoped from pleasure, as well.
He moved his hand up her lower back and grabbed a lock of her hair in his fist. With a tug, he tilted her head back and her mouth slipped open so he could worship her with his tongue.
Julija stood immobile in his arms. She didn’t fight him. She didn’t do anything as he tasted her. He sensed her surprise, suspected he’d shocked her into silence.
She tasted like nectar from the gods. He hadn’t planned to accost her, had merely intended to get her away from that haughty highborn. Her defiance now dared him into action.
He hadn’t kissed a woman in ten thousand years, hadn’t desired to kiss a woman in all that time either. In awe, he realized an erection had sprouted from that simple kiss—his first boner in eons.
Once he tasted her, he wanted more than just her body. He wanted to taste the warmth of her flesh beneath the pressure of his fangs, wanted to taste the stickiness of her life against his tongue.
And, oh, so easily, his fangs would burst forth, as easily as he could imagine her papery flesh giving way beneath them. Her coppery blood would spurt . . . .
Landau shoved her aside. He’d been so close to taking her right there on the dance floor while the highborn and humans watched. So close to draining her too.
Struggling for control, he slammed his eyes shut and focused on the unnatural shake of his hands. The depth of his uncontrollable emotions alarmed him. If not for the last fleeting moment of lucidity, he would have taken her blood and filled her body with his right there.
The rushing sound of blood pumping through her veins filled his ears. The beating of her heart pulsed in his head. She was frightened and had good reason to be. He wanted her; had almost lost control of himself. The thought frightened him.
Opening his eyes, he met her dazed gaze. Her fingers pressed against her slightly parted lips. Her eyes were wide, expressing confusion.
The highborn stepped through the crowd—hell, to be frank, the crowd parted for the bastard—that had encircled Julija and him. Painfully, Landau’s heart pounded and he couldn’t swallow past the knot in his throat.
The male elf stepped into his path, placed himself directly between them, and glared into his eyes. “You’d be wise not to repeat the offense,” he said haughtily.
“Why?” Landau barked. “She your elf?”
Julija regained a portion of her composure and stalked up to the highborn. Amused, Landau watched as her anger eliminated her ability to hold her present form and she shifted. Her ears became pointy, a distinct elfin trait he’d have recognized had she not been in human form. The elf birthmark slid into view on her left temple—a curly-Q squiggle identifying her as an Ivory Elf. All elves possessed such a mark somewhere on their faces. The highborn would have one too, but he was still in enough control to mask his elfhood.
Anger sparked in her eyes, and her luscious, pouty lips formed a straight, hard line. She nudged her friend aside and slapped Landau with all the strength she could muster—quadrupled, powerful fey strength.
Landau’s head snapped back and he growled. He stared her down—or tried to—while the stinging in his cheek burst to life like a torch.
The highborn smirked, but did nothing to intervene. Landau felt the fire in his eyes and knew they’d recognize how he struggled to leash his power.
He’d have to kill her now. Too bad, such spunk could have proven entertaining in bed, particularly after such a long interval of impotence. He had little doubt he’d find a wealth of pleasure in her sexy body. But no one, absolutely no one, struck him without provocation, and one kiss was not provocation.
Landau inhaled a calm breath and tamped down his anger. Yes, such a waste that he wouldn’t feel her body writhing beneath him while he fucked her to climax.
“Until we meet again, Jewel.” Landau uttered the endearment between teeth clenched so hard, his fangs pierced his bottom lip.
“Not if I can help it,” she snarled.
He allowed her to have the last word now, but soon he’d have the final one.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wicked Knight winner!
Thank you so much for participating in my book giveaway. Just as I promised, here is the winner of Wicked Knight.
Skyla, please email me at tierneystories at verizon dot net to confirm your email address.
Wicked Knight is currently on Red Rose Publishing’s Bestseller list.
Thank you so much for following Wicked Thorn and Roses. If I am a new author to you, hope you’ll give my books a try.
Tierney O’Malley
Wicked Knight is on the board!
Thank you so much to those who purchased my book, Wicked Knight. Right now, it is on Red Rose Publisher’s Bestsellers list (I know it’s temporary). You made that happen. Thank you.
I will announce the winner from my last week’s contest later this afternoon.
A Knight in low rise blue jeans...
Undeniably handsome pediatrician, Tristan Knight, doesn't need polished armor to shine, he doesn't need a sword to save his damsel. All he needed is a ring.
Read Wicked Knight and enjoy the sizzling romance between Tristan and Julie.
Tierney O'Malley
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Shadows of the Mind Promo Video
Here's the promotion video I tinkered with the other day. Shadows of the Mind is being released on the 15th of Feb.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New Cover!!

I had to blog about my new cover! I wrote this book for Nanowrimo the year before last and didn't really like it at first. The first version was a light romantic suspense that my critique partners called "spakley". After rewriting it six times last year, I LOOOOVE it! As you can see by the cover, it's not anything light anymore. No blurbs available yet, but the estimated release date is Spring of this year from Captiva Press.
I promise to post blurbs soon :)
Talk to you soon,
Wendy Ely
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Writer Insanity, Pirated, Tour Dates and Eye Candy (of course)!

Did you miss me? I missed YOU!!! Nothing can make a writer go more insane than having two computers crash in a matter of months! Nothing!!! It's like a mechanic losing his tools, a pilot without his plane, a cook without a stove..Linus without his blanket....now you get my drift.
My last blog post was Dec. 1...nearly 2 months ago...yikes!!!! I feel like I'm back to the land of the living.
Some good news....Nocturnally Vexed released in print in December! Woohooo! I'm currently working on another werewolf tale set in Circle City, Alaska, near the Yukon Flats....in other words..no man's land. There's nothing out there...but snow and werewolves. I really love where this story is going and hope to finish in the coming months. I'll keep you posted.

Travel news....I'll be speaking at the Bonham Public Library in Bonham, Texas on Saturday, Feb. 13 with 10 other romance authors. There will be a book signing afterwards. It'll be a fun day and a nice drive out to quaint Bonham. Shoot me an email if you plan on going so I can look for you.

Weird news...my book, Nocturnally Vexed has been pirated...bad, bad, bad. All that work and some jack ass has put my book out there for anyone to just download. Hey, if anyone is that desperate to read my work, email me. I'll send you a copy. Writers understand the meaning of the word POOR.
My writer's group will be meeting Wednesday, Feb. 17th at Generator Coffee in downtown Garland, Texas...if you are a local blogger....I'd love to meet you. Anyone can come...reader, writer, bored person. I love meeting new people. Email me for details. Go to Contact at www.alishapaige.com.
So....what's new in your world? I'd love to hear what your reading, writing, doing with your life?

Gerard..can I have a drag? Or a lick? Good Lordy almighty...that man does things to me.
Hugs and love,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Books You'll Never Forget
As I grew, I had other favorite books I'd read over again. A Wrinkle in Time, My Darling; My Hamburger, Nancy Drew Series, etc. You get the point. That need to revisit favorite books or passages hasn't really changed much now that I'm grown and writing my own stuff. Sometimes it's not even the book itself that is particularly memorable, but maybe a certain passage in the book that makes my heart stop or speed up or puts a lump in my throat. I might be a yummy hero, or a well-done cadence to the language in the dialogue. It could be the depth of angst in the dark moment, or the happiness of the reunion.
Here are some books that I go back to over again for particular scenes and are in no particular order of importance or impact.
1. White Lies by Linda Howard
Why? The black moment actually makes my upper arms go numb every time I read it. There is just something about the loss the heroine suffers in that passage that gets to me.
2. All Shook Up by Susan Andersen
This has nothing to do with the hero and heroine, but the secondary love story going on in the backgroung. All through the book the heroine's best friends from school, a man who has moved back to town after many years away, and a woman who thought he always hated her finally get it together. Just reading the way the guy goes about showing her the feelings he's kept inside for so long is very cute.
3. Paradise by Judith McNaught
Now, for me this is the grand dame of all achy-breaky angst-filled scenes. There are a few strung together that just kill me. And while this is one of those epic books of years gone by where the first half of the story takes place while the hero and heroine are in their late teens/early twenties and then jumps ahead like 10 years for the second half of the book, you really have to wade through all that in order for the middle of the book to have such emotional impact. And it does. Sweet baby, Jesus, does it ever. I'm not going to spoil the parts of the book I'm talking about, but I will say it has to do with the hero and heroine starting to rebuild their love. I still hold this up as the pinnacle of creating an emotional response in a reader.
4. Perfect by Judith McNaught
What can I say, she is the master of writing characters I keep coming back to. There are just as many scenes in this one that I read over and over again because they are just so stuffed full of emotion it boggles the mind. This is another book, however, where you have to wade through the chafe to get to the really super good stuff.
5. The Last Herald-Mage by Mercedes Lackey
There are simply no words to describe the beauty of this love story. Though I am very seldom moved to tears while reading, this is one where I sobbed at the end. There is a reincarnation theme for one of the characters in this book and the lover that got left behind. It's just an amazing book. Or books, I should say. It's three volumes, but I read it as an anthology with all three books in one.
6. The Oracle Glass by Judith Merkle-Riley
Magical Realism at its finest. No one does it like JMR. It takes a while for the pay off between hero and heroine in her books, but when it happens it's just simply the best reading experience ever!
7. The Serpent Garden by Judith Merkle-Riley
A hero tortured by the love he has for the heroine. It doesn't get much better than this - and the end is worth the wait.
8. Lady of the Glen by Jennifer Roberson
Let me just say, that the end of the book when the hero and heroine realize the other one is still alive, OMG!!! Now that is romance. Though this is more strictly a work of historical fiction. It is definately a very deep love story.
9. Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman
Really all the books in this triology are stunningly violent and tender in turn. Mediveal England during the reign of King John and the annexation of Wales. The story really revolves around King John's illegimate daughter Johanna and Llewyllen of Wales. There are so many highs and lows in this book- and indeed the ones in the series - that they are on my top ten favorite reads of all times. The dark moment in the love story of this book is one that made me actually yell out loud when it happened. I was just that emotionally invested in the characters. The other books, Falls the Shadows and The Reckoning are just as vivid, dramatic and emotional. Why these haven't been made into movies on the scale of Braveheart, I'll never know.
10. Outlander by Diana Galbadon
All right, I'll admit, I gave up on this series halfway through Voyager and haven't picked it up again since - except for thumbing through Drums of Autumn. I got a little tired of all the problems (some repeating themselves) that happened to Clare and Jamie. This first book, however, was really good, when the problems were still fresh. Granted there are some scenes I felt were unnecessary, but there are enough truly tender moments between Clare and Jamie to make up for them. I think my favorie scene actually happens in Dragonfly in Amber when Jamie tries to make Clare return to her own time and she finds him in the cabin with tear tracks on his cheeks. OMG!!! Is there anything more romantic than a man crying in private over the loss of the woman he loves. It just rips your guts out.
You might have noticed that for most of the books I didn't describe in detail why I loved the books, or the exact scene that stuck out. There was a method to my madness there. I had hoped to share the books with others and get you to pick them up at the library or bookstore and read them for yourself and see if you agree. If you've read some of these, drop me a line here or share some of your own. Maybe I'll pick them up when I've done reading my books for the Rita Awards. I'm always on the lookout for a few good books.
Happy Reading,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My youngest son won his first basketball game today and scored 4 points for his team! So, their record is now 1-2, not an amazing start to the season, but we're living in the moment and enjoying the win!
My oldest son was invited to an participate in the "Elite Passing Academy" for football quarterbacks and wide receivers. Only "the best" (or so they say) are invited each year to participate, with the groups remaining small, so that individualized one-on-one instruction can be given. And it has a hefty price tag...$500 for 2 hours a week for 4 months. My husband tried to make me feel better by saying that was about $21 an hour for the academy. Didn't help my feelings one bit!
And so that has been my week.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wicked Knight --Giveaway!
Five brothers named after King Arthur's knights. All irresistible, partial to wearing boots, jeans, loves to play football, unattached, and sinfully wicked in their own ways.
Wicked Knight is the first book about Tristan and Julie Parrish.
He vowed never to love again. She is afraid to love. A passion so strong they cannot resist.
Ruggedly handsome pediatrician, Dr. Tristan Knight, is done with marriage. Once is enough. Eager to avoid making another mistake of getting trapped in marriage vows, Tristan wields strong control to suppress his growing attraction to his sister's friend, Julie Parrish. But his resolve is tested when an unusual request for help lands on his lap--marry Julie.
Author and former model, Julie Parrish has been trying to keep her image clean; otherwise, her drunkard father will get the inheritance her mother has left her. She will never let that happen. But her stepmother, Marla, has learned about the will's stipulation. Since then, she's been attempting to prove to the lawyers that Julie is far from being clean. Fortunately, her mother has added an out to the will. Marriage. So when Tristan surprised her by offering his help end her problem with Marla, she accepts. But Julie wants more than just a ring. She wants the elusive doctor's heart.
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Release date: January 28, 2010
To win a copy of Wicked Knight: Knight Brothers Series Book One is really easy.
Follow Wicked Thorn and Roses and leave your comment.
If you whisper this contest (optional) to your blog, twitter, Goodreads, or everywhere, your name will be entered in the drawing hat 5 times.
One winner will be chosen via Random.org on Friday, January 29, 2010.
Contest to win a copy of Wicked Persuasion is still going at Roxanne’s Realm.
I look forward to reading your comments.
Tierney O’Malley
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Not so Good
I was rushed off for x-rays and ultrasounds and doppler scans and the upshot of it all is that I have a blood clot in my calf (thankfully below the knee) Seems I have DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and for the life of me I don't know how I could have got such a thing. They think it may be connected with family history, so I'll have a genetics test when the clot clears. I haven't been on a long haul flight, I don't have any sports injuries and as far as I can tell, I'm not pregnant.
I am now admitted to the hospital as a patient but because I don't need 24 hour watch anymore I am a Home Care Patient. I get a nurse around every day injecting me with stuff (that needle mother f**cking kills), taking blood and then letting me know the medication I need to help dissolve the blood clot. She will be doing this for five days. After that, if they are happy, I will be discharged and then placed on an excercise programe to get my legs moving again. I will be on the anticlotting drugs for 3-6 months.
The upshot of all this is that I am to rest at home, which means I can spend some time writing. So yeah...I'm good, if a little shaken by how things can suddenly turn in life. Here's me so worried about my partner it didn't even cross my mind that I would have anything happen to me. I was invincible. So I thought...
Oh, and I look real sexy in compression stockings let me tell you!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Catching up
I know what happened. I was writing like a mad woman at the time, and I burned myself out so that I lost interest in the story. So, I thought, I’ll set it aside for a while and finish it later. Well, as you can see, later never came. So, here I am, over a year later, and I’m going to have to reread it just to catch myself up so I can finish the last two chapters. Might as well edit as I go along. It’s certainly been sitting long enough for me to be objective. LOL.
I was asked recently in an interview at Moonlight, Lace, & Mayhem about getting back into writing when you’ve taken some time off. Well, I admit that it is hard, but still, shame on me. I should never have let that one sit for so long. I hate to admit it, but that’s not the only one I’ve let languish. I have another one completely finished, it just needs edited. See, I told you, big shame on me.
So, now I’m playing catch up. It needs to be done. Once I get caught up, I think it will help me feel better about my writing, and I can move on to newer things. I’ve got big plans for this year, and I don’t intend to let myself down. I’m just going to have to force myself to make time for my writing.
That is my current plan as far as my writing goes. Now, I may need a few whips cracked on me to keep me going. Luckily for me, I’ve found a few willing volunteers to yield the whip.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Reincarnation and Romance

I don't know why it is that I've always loved a good reincarnation story. There is just something about a love so enduring that it can survive the ultimate break-up story of death and rebirth.
I've always believed in the concept. It never had to be explained to me - I just always understood that people live and learn over many lifetimes. (I must have been a Hindu in one of my many incarnations and as I'm told I've had 837 of them, it's possible.) Anyhoo, I'm sure I read romances with such a theme before Christina Skye's Dreycott Abbey series, but that's the one that really sticks out in my mind. Oh, that and Katherine Kerr's Deverry series. Though labeled as fantasy, Ms. Kerr's books are rich in love and romance. Indeed the very premise of the series revolves around a great love that spurred jealousy and ended in tragedy. Good stuff.

Over the years, I've developed a few ideas of my own that are reincarnation-centered romances. I never developed them though. Not to the point of actually putting them in anything close to publishable form. Then, as happens with me on more than one occassion a week, an idea came to me from a dream. This one was a blind date that turns into a reincarnation of a Victorian couple. Oh, Jeez. What is their story? I don't know, I only got a flash of them in both settings. One at a modern bar and the other one in a private salon while music came muffled through the walls. They were in elegant Victorian clothing and going at it like a couple of love-starved maniacs. All right, I can work with that.
It might be fun to hatch an idea about how they got together before, what pulled them apart and what stands between them now in modern times.
Is there one particular sub-genre you absolutely adore, but haven't written yet? Do you think you ever will?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Dobie Houseguest....
Anyway, I have found a boat load of creatures I want to write about. Some I’m excited about and plan to use in upcoming books. *rubs hands together* Oh, the evil I can create with them. It’s got the muse juices flowing. ;-)
Anyhoo, the one I picked for today is Dobie/Dobby. For those of you familiar with J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, I’m sure you’re familiar with this magical creature. Since I’ve never read a Harry Potter book, I wasn’t familiar with the character. But it does note that a Dobie is best known from this series as the not so bright friend of the young wizard.
To the British in Northern England, a Dobie is a house fairy. Who besides me wants one? *waves hand excitedly* Can I paweese have one? Pretty please, with a cherry on top! I always need help with house work and my family’s idea of helping is throwing socks on the stairs. Grrr… They never make them up the stairs unless I pick them up. What’s up with that? *rolls eyes*
Better yet, the Dobie likes helping us human beings. I’ll be honest, I like having help. You want to know what’s even better than that. A Dobie likes to help with laboring type tasks. Yippee! I got plenty of laboring type tasks that I need help with all the time! Dusting, sweeping, moping, vacuuming, washing clothes, cleaning toilets, yard work and cleaning out garages, that’ll get him started laboring. And since they like laboring, I’ll happily keep a Dobie happy. Cross my heart and all that stuff.
I am practically dancing at the thought of this. *looks about rabidly* I need one!!! Someone give me the 411 on where I can purchase a Dobie house fairy? I’m willing to pay top dollar *cough-within-reason-cough* and I’m guessing my local Wal-Mart isn’t selling them and if they are…they’ve got the price jacked so high I can’t see it. >:(
Apparently, Dobie’s aren’t known for their wisdom. Now, I’m thinking who cares about wisdom. It doesn’t take intelligence to sweep and mop floors. Or how about dusting? Yep, you guessed it, doesn’t require much intelligence from me to do that menial task.
Dobie’s often make ridiculous mistakes and are easily confused. Well, now the authors are just picking on them now. And, have they ever been to my house? My kids and I make ridiculous mistakes all the time. And…easily confused? *laughs uproariously* Visit my house and I’ll show you easily confused. We’ll make you easily confused. When my boys (2 children + 1 husband) are all talking ninety to nothing (all at one time—seriously, it happens!), 2 + 2 = 4 becomes a difficult equation. They have me wanting to scream, “Stop the madness!” Or if I hear “Momma” or “Babe” one more time, I might garrote them all! LOL Kidding! No one is in serious danger of bodily harm, but I have had to talk myself down from going somewhat psycho.
Apparently West Yorkshire residents don’t like house fairies because to them a Dobie is an evil fairy that leaps onto the backs of unsuspicious commuters on horseback (I wonder if this has been upgraded to vehicles) and chokes them. *laughs weakly and looks about shiftily* Psst…for the record, I don’t want a West Yorkshire Dobie. *shudders* They’re a little too violent for my cup of tea.
Have a great weekend everyone! Make me proud and be naughty at least once this weekend. ;-)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mind if I share my new book covers?
I should write something, share news or a limerick. But I can’t think right. So I’ll follow Mark and share my two awesome book covers.
Drop dead gorgeous veterinarian Julian Ravenwood has made a mistake--sleep with a young virgin, Joanie Saint Claire. Forced to do the right thing, he marries her then leaves while Joanie is still in her wedding gown. Three years later, he decides to snip the tie that binds them together. But divorcing his estranged wife isn't as easy as he thought it to be. His once untidy scrawny bride has changed into a seductive and attractive woman he can't stop lusting after. And worse, he's learned her secret that rocks his world.
Artist and bar dancer, Joanie, sees an opportunity to solve her problems when Julian came back to serve her. She agrees to sign the divorce papers on one condition--her signature in exchange of one hundred thousand dollars. But Julian learns the reason behind her demand--the result of their one steamy night together. Sam.
Joanie finds herself in a situation when Julian surprises her with his own demand--he wants two weeks with Sam in exchange of his money. Should she give him a chance to know Sam and put her heart at risk again by accepting his offer?
Release date: January 28, 2010 Red Rose Publishing
He vowed never to love again. She is afraid to love. A passion so strong they cannot resist.
Ruggedly handsome pediatrician, Dr. Tristan Knight, is done with marriage. Once is enough. Eager to avoid making another mistake of getting trapped in marriage vows, Tristan wields strong control to suppress his growing attraction to his sister's friend, Julie Parrish. But his resolve is tested when an unusual request for help lands on his lap--marry Julie.
Author and former model, Julie Parrish has been trying to keep her image clean; otherwise, her drunkard father will get the inheritance her mother has left her. She will never let that happen. But her stepmother, Marla, has learned about the will's stipulation. Since then, she's been attempting to prove to the lawyers that Julie is far from being clean. Fortunately, her mother has added an out to the will. Marriage. So when Tristan surprised her by offering his help end her problem with Marla, she accepts. But Julie wants more than just a ring. She wants the elusive doctor's heart.
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Carrie Hinkel-Gill of Moonlight, Lace and Mayhem reviewed my book Wicked Persuasion. She nearly gave me a heart attack. Carrie reminds me of my English professor. Strict, thorough, and professional. I love the way she reviewed my book. Here is the link: http://moonlightlacemayhem.blogspot.com/2010/01/twilight-thursday_14.html
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Shadows of the Mind Cover Revealed

Shadows of the Mind focuses on Jacob Theison, a young man who thinks he’s better than all the other folk who live in the picturesque town of Pembroke Eve. It’s no place for a modern guy and he wants to leave, try his luck on the greener pastures of ‘anywhere’ else.
That is until he realizes one thing. Deep down he’s just like everyone else, a country guy through and through. That realization comes just in time, because on a moonlit night a green glowing spaceship lands in Wilson’s field. Aliens, it seems, are real. But why are they in Pembroke Eve of all places? Pembroke is a nowhere place. And why is everyone acting weird all of a sudden, even more so that usual? Are the aliens’ friendly or do they have a more sinister reason for being here?
It seems Jacob is the only one who can see what’s really going on. But why him? What’s so special about a gay guy living in a small town? Sure, he’s never had a boyfriend, never been kissed for that matter, so why? Curious, he goes to investigate the spaceship and gets far more than he bargained for as soon as he gets over his back fence. His life will never be the same again.
Shadows of the mind chronicles the adventures of Jacob, Callum, Zane, Suzy and Mr. Barnaby and will be coming on the 15th of February 2010 from eXtasy books.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Want to know what I did last night?
Nooooo I didn't murder anyone! I did go to my local Romance Writers of America chapter meeting where we had a homicide detective give us a workshop! I loooooove writing those romantic suspense novels so imagine how excited I was when I found out about being able to take this workshop!
The detective set up a crime scene for us, including the fake body with wounds, evidence on the ground, and the famous yellow police tape! He went through step-by-step on how they process the scene. We learned about blood spatters, entry and exit wounds, and all that gory stuff!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Great new read from Jax Cassidy!

Release date: January 10, 2010
Publisher: Amber Heat
ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-627-7 (Electronic)
*Heat warning: erotic, explicit sex scenes, language
For Sage, attending the Parisian sex club, Plaisirs Sombres, was the ultimate fantasy. So when the conservative gallery assistant is cloaked behind the velvet mask, she never expected to be the object of the club owner's desire. Spurred on by D.S. Gregoire's erotic and sensual brush strokes of the exclusive club, she gives into a brief liaison that leaves her breathless and wanting.
For Damien, known to the art world as D.S. Gregoire, his art has always been an adrenaline rush. But when an exotic and mysteriously uninhibited 'sex club virgin' enters his establishment, he is willing to break his club rules for another taste of the dark pleasures she brings him.
Author Bio:
Jax Cassidy followed her dreams to Paris, then Hollywood to pursue a film career but managed to fall in love with penning sexy romances and happy endings—finding Mr. Right was just an added bonus. She writes contemporary, paranormal, and multi-ethnic romances and is Co-Founder of Romance Divas, and award winning writer’s website and discussion forum. Jax is also known as one-half of the retired writing team of Cassidy Kent.
For more information on Jax, please visit her online at www.jaxcassidy.com or www.jaxadora.blogspot.com
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New Year - New News
Start as you mean to go on. It's an old saw we've heard time and again over the generations. And why not. It is a sage piece of advice that can apply to just about every life situation we come up against. Even writing goals.
I so wanted to get this year off to a good solid start that I sent in my first submission of the year - last one of '09 on Dec. 31st. I sent my partial for Private Negotiations off to Liquid Silver Books in hopes of finding other venues for my most prolific muse. But an interesting thing happened while I finished off this story I'd started writing about 2 or 3 years ago and which languished on my hard drive less than half-finished, I got ideas for sequels. Yes, little miss rabid plot bunny got even more ideas to play around with. Oh, joy!!!
The three-book series really is more about exploring relationships than the hard-boiled action of most of my erotic sci-fi romances. (Though don't get me wrong, the action is still there.)
But I digress. The point is that I've already sent a book off for January. And I'll send off a freebie Samhain read on Jan. 20th, and with luck and a bit of quick inspiration, on the 31st I'll be able to send off my EC art submission for their open call. That will make two subs and one free for Jan. In February, I hope to have my next Jumper series book to my Samhain editor (the follow up to next month's release of High Octane) along with a sub to Loose-ID. That will be two for February.
What is the reason for such submission mania? Guilt.
I feel as if last year I didn't submit as much as I should have. That I didn't get as much accomplished as I'd hoped. Because of this, the holiday season was terribly depressing for me. I'd had such high hopes at the beginning of '09. But alas, earwax. (If you don't know what that means, it's Dumbledor from Harry Potter, when he picks up a Bernie Botts' Every Flavored Bean and he thinks it's toffee. It's really earwax flavor. I use that phrase now to denote disappointment. - I know, I get strange looks when I say it, but sometimes it's just appropriate to convey the emotion.)
I'm hoping that I'll be able to accomplish more this year. I want to submit at least one or two things a month all year. I did that in '07 and ended up with a slew of releases in '08 and '09. I like the idea of having a book come out once every month for a year. That's just cool. Exhausting, but cool.
So, wish me luck. But right now, I have to go and write something before I meet my critique partner for lunch. And ugh...I just noticed it's a whopping 8 degrees out. And that's in Farenheit!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Get Out of My Head!!!!
I had another topic I was going to post today, but then I decided to propose a question to you that I’ve been thinking about lately. Do we writers spend too much time in our heads?
I ask this because all I’ve done this week is create scenes and dialogue in my head. My kids are talking and I’m fantasizing about dialogue between my characters. My husband is rambling about work and I’m masterminding detailed love scenes in my mind. On the television is my favorite football team playing for the National Championship and I’m creating a new monster to wreak havoc on my heroine/hero.
This daydreaming got me into a spot of hot water yesterday too. My youngest son reminded me that I had promised to let him purchase an iPod Touch with his Christmas and Birthday money—he has so much money, I’ve asked for a loan *cheeky grin*—and I don’t remember having the conversation, much less agreeing to this purchase! Uh oh! I’ve been forgetting a lot of things lately. But this is a big one. My oldest is backing him, arguing vehemently that I agreed, which is strange because they never agree on anything—ever. It’s like a secret brother law or something that Moms don’t get.
Anyway, I said, I never promised that and I’m thinking to myself “That’s a boatload of money!” And we always have family meetings before they spend a boatload of money like that. So…to back up his defense he commences to remind me where we were, what we were doing and the exact conversation when I agreed to the SNAFU. And somewhere along the way of the retelling I have an “A-ha!” moment because that was when the heroine in my head said to the hero, “Show me how much you want me.”
Big freaking gulp!
Yep, you guessed it, hot-freaking-water! Now, how do I get myself out of it? I can’t confess to an eight year old that I was thinking about risqué dialogue that ended up in sexual positions during our conversation. So, it looks like we’re going to be the proud owners of an iPod Touch! LOL It could be worse, I could have agreed to harboring a reptile or an arachnid in my home. *shudders violently*
So, again, my question…do you as a writer spend a lot of time in your head, daydreaming, spinning scenes and dialogue? Or do I spend too much time in my head and need psychiatric help to coax me out of my fictional world? ;-) Seriously the latter would never happen even if everyone told me I needed intervention, because quite frankly some days I like the fiction I create better than the world I live in. =) But, I would love to stop forgetting so many conversations! Advice anyone?
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
February sees the start of my new series, The Pembroke Eve Chronicles come to eXtasy. A m/m sci-fi/fantasy/adventure kind of thing ;-) The first book, Shadows of the Mind will be released on the 15 Feb, the second book, Light of the Body will be 60 days after that and so on. Hopefully there will be 5 books in all...better get writing!
Here are some mock-up covers I did to help while away all those spare minutes between working full time, having a family and writing to deadlines! These will only be used for promotion until the publishers covers become available to me.

Enjoy...Next week, excerpts and more goodies about the Pembroke Eve Chronicles. If you can't wait until then, click here
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- Dobie Houseguest....
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- Shadows of the Mind Cover Revealed
- Want to know what I did last night?
- Great new read from Jax Cassidy!
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- Get Out of My Head!!!!
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