Are any of you wicked bloggers fans of True Blood? I love it. I devoured every episode last season. I'm giving myself a special treat this season and waiting until the season is over. I'll then have a True Blood party and watch them all on DVD. Maybe I'll order some of the actual drink for the party. Did you know they have bottled something to look like blood and fans can actually buy it? Squeeeee...looks like Halloween will be extra fun this year!

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Alan Ball (and anything he touches turns to gold....he did American Beauty and Six Feet Under...a genius in my book) only created the show for HBO, the real mastermind behind the series is Charlaine Harris, author of the Sookie Stackhouse Mystery novels.
Charlaine Harris

These books have it all. First of all....HOT AS HELL SEX! I love anything dark and these are very dark. We're talking about vamps banging humans. They nickname the humans "fang bangers". *Snicker*...love it! Then they have "fang bashers", those are the people that hate vampires. It reminds me of civil rights. Oh, yes, Charlaine Harris is brilliant. She even came up with the American Vampire League to represent the rights of vamps. Check out their blog.
American Vampire League

This just oozes with creativity. Give yourself a treat and go to the blog above and watch all the You Tube videos. Brilliant!
Charlaine Harris is helping All Romance Ebooks in their 28 days of Heart Campaign. I've posted the call for Submissions below. Don't you want to be a part of this great cause?
All Romance eBooks is thrilled to announce that their 28 Days of Heart Campaign has received the support of Charlaine Harris. The famed, best-selling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series upon which HBO's new smash hit "True Blood" is based will be writing the foreword for the charity anthologies releasing exclusively from ARe in February 2010. All proceeds from the 28 individual stories and the 4 anthology eBook compilations will benefit the American Heart Association. Submissions are open until October 31, 2009. Details can be found at
Open Submissions Call!
All Romance™ Needs You for the 28 Days of Heart Campaign to Benefit the American Heart Association During the month of love, when everyone's attention is focused on matters of the heart, we at All Romance (www.allromance.com) want to help fight the number one killer of women, heart disease, and we need your help and your submissions.
Beginning February 1, 2010, we will release one new short story per day for the entire month. All proceeds from the sale of these shorts, which will be offered exclusively on AllRomance.com as individual eBooks and also bundled into 4 eBook anthologies, will be donated to the American Heart Association (www.americanheart.org).
The 28 stories will be chosen from submissions received between July 1 and October 31, 2009. Any author who has an eBook available on ARe, or whose publisher lists eBooks with us, is eligible to submit. Submissions must be 10,000 to 20,000 words. The preferred heat rating is 4 or 5 flames, though stories rated a hard 3 flames will also be considered. An explanation of the flame rating system can be found on our site. We are looking for a wide variety of themes and sub-genres, as long as the story is a romance.
The stories selected will be reviewed by an editor and provided with cover art, but please make sure submissions are as polished as you can make them before submitting. Previously published stories will be considered only if all rights have reverted back to the author and the story is no longer available for download elsewhere. Backlist and contact info for the authors whose work is chosen will be listed in the back of their story.
Submission details can be found here: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/submissions.html
Questions should be emailed to cat.johnson@allromanceebooks.com. Final selection of participants will be made and announced in November 2009.

Happy Writing!
Oh wow! What an excellent opportunity. Thanks for sharing it with us Alisha. And having Charlaine Harris behind it can only be good things for the authors. Now I'm wondering if I should sub my short. I was getting ready to sub it elsewhere, but this could be a really good opportunity.
Yes, yes, yes!!!! It's an excellent opportunity. Send it in, girl!!!
I did it! Wish me luck. :D
Yayyyyyyy!!!! Good luck, Sierra!
Double Hugs,
Good luck, Sierra!
And an awesome post as always, Alisha!
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