Here's the blurb:
The ruling family of Corrus needs an heir and the Viscount’s son, Wilhelm, must provide it. He is to be wed to Catherine within the week to ensure the family name continues. He, however, doesn’t love her. He can’t love her, for she cannot give him what he really desires. Wilhelm needs a man to satisfy him.
That man is the most unlikely person in the whole town, a pauper named Pavel.
Will Wilhelm give up everything, his title, his wealth, and all his family inheritance just for the chance to be with Pavel? Or will Catherine make sure he marries her so she can solidify her place as a ruler of Corrus?
I will post an except next week :-)
Here is the fabulous cover (wish I looked this good with my shirt off)

And here is the link to the publisher, the fantastic eXtasy books
This is a good one people - go forth and get it. And no, Mark didn't pay me to say this! It's a very robust and enjoyable tale.
Nice cover! Sounds like a great twist on the fairy tale! Good luck!
Oh droolllllllllllllllllll....what a sexy cover! Sounds like another yummy tale from the red hot pen of Mark!
Thank you so much, Peter, Sierra, and Alisha! Those comments made my day!
I may run a competition, but my last one kind of failed. Any ideas?
Blog it, then twitter it, facebook it, and myspace it. That ought to help you out. Good luck!
Yeah, Sierra, did all that! LOL
Oh well...slowly but surely I plod along :-)
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