I have been deep in edits lately but bring you two pieces of good news. The first one is Jesse's Brother is up for a Covey Award. Please stop on by the site and vote for #7 http://thenewcoveycoverawards.blogspot.com/
The other part is Valley of the Sun Romance Writers (a chapter of RWA) is having their annual Hot Prospect Contest. This is a great way to get your book in the editor's hands!
Hot Prospect info:
Looking to sign your first book contract, switch from a small press to a large
publisher or simply explore another genre of romantic fiction? Turn up the heat
on your writing career with the Hot Prospects Contest.
Fee: $25 for Valley of the Sun RW chapter members
$30 for non-chapter members
Postmark Deadline: September 1st, 2009
E-Submit Deadline: September 1st, 2009
Eligibility: Any uncontracted work by an RWA member in good standing. This
includes both published and unpublished authors.
Enter: 3-5-page synopsis and up to 25 pages of story (30 pages max). Entry or
synopsis may be shorter, but neither may be longer than specified.
Categories/Judges: Trained judges for preliminary round,
Editors and Agents for final round.
Agent - Paige Wheeler, agent, Folio Literary Management
Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal
Editor – Leah Hultenschmidt, Editor, Dorchester Publishing
Agent - Michelle Grajkowski, agent, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Romantic Suspense
Editor - Deb Werksman, editor, Sourcebooks
Agent - JL Stermer, agent, Donald Maass Literary Agency
Contemporary Long/Single Title
Editor - Katherine N. Pelz, Editorial Assistant, The Berkley Publishing Group
Agent - Sharene Martin-Brown, Author Representative, Wylie-Merrick Literary Agency
Series Contemporary
Editor - Johanna Raisanen, Harlequin Enterprises'
Editor - Leanne Morgena, Senior Editor, the Wild Rose Press
Editor - Theresa Stevens, editor, Red Sage Publishing
Editor - Kelli Collins, editor-in-chief, Ellora's Cave
GRAND PRIZE: The winner can choose between a book trailer, static banner and
active banner from Bella Entertainment for the book of their choice (a $300.00
value) or $100.00 USD.
For More Information, entry form, and rules, see website at
www.valleyofthesunr w.com.
Talk to you soon,
Wendy Ely
Good luck on the contest Wendy.
Happy summer!
What a hot cover! Good luck! Thanks for the info. on the contest.
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