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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Let’s talk sex. Yes, I said the forbidden word "sex"! Yeah, I know, touchy, almost taboo subject in some realms of society. *mega sigh* So, go ahead and get the cringing over. I’ll wait. I don’t mind…
*still waiting*
Okay, is everyone finished? Good. So, let’s talk S-E-X. To me, it’s a natural, beautiful act and I personally do not understand why it is such a hush, hush topic. My mother reared me to be open and honest about it, but upon becoming an adult she doesn’t want to talk about it—ever—and would rather pretend it doesn’t exist. She doesn’t want to discuss it in passing, not in jest, and certainly not seriously. This attitude from a woman who embraced the 60s? I am seriously flummoxed and have no clue what happened. But her attitude is similar to many attitudes I find here in the South. I love the South, but at times we’re rather prudish.
So, I ponder the question “why?” Is it because we still don’t understand what we’re doing when we have sex? Do we still feel uncomfortable having sex? Is it just another marital chore that I hear so many women talk about?
Well, for me, it’s none of those things, neither in real life nor when writing sex scenes. I believe in having a healthy sex life in my marriage and as a couple we have fun keeping the marital bed fresh. Writing sex scenes comes naturally also. When writing sex, the author should show more than just the mechanics of sex or that's my opinion anyway. I want the scene to be steamy and brazen and hot, and that's how I try to write my sex scenes as well. I write sex scenes hoping that the reader is feeling the moment, living through each touch and caress, each kiss, each sigh and whimper. I hope the reader is in the moment as if they themselves are the characters. I want them hot and bothered after reading one of my scenes, and if they're ripping their spouse's shirt off and living out the fantasy of the written word....WOOHOO!!! JACKPOT!!! If they’re not…well, then I failed miserably. But, I also want the moment to be more than just about the sex. There needs to be a deeper connection between my characters when they're finally exploring one another.
I’m not one of those folks that skim through or skip the sex scenes in a book. I have no problem with anyone that does that, but I want the sex in a romance. Sex is important in our own lives with our other halves, so to me it’s important in a romance novel as well. I just don’t want it on every page. There’s got to be storyline, preferably a riveting storyline. ;-)
My apologies for posting late. With the holidays and all that is going on, it skipped my mind. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and a very Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrated). Stay safe.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
GLBT Trap?
Yes, GLBT books have 'heat' levels, but really, that's not the same when they are lumped with other genre books. How can you compare them as a reader with a system like that? You can't. A 'hot' sci-fi tale is certainly different to a romance one.
Sure, GLBT falls under the general category of 'alternative romance' but really, reading a lot of GLBT books and being an author of them myself, a lot of them aren't all that alternative. I know I don't write porn or titilation for its own sake, in fact, someone mentioned in a review of one of my works, that the level of intensity was pretty mild when compared with some mainstream Harlequin romance novels they have read.
I don't want to write titilation stories either, but really that's what one would kind of expect when picking up a book with naked body parts all over the cover and the warning that it involes m/m romance. Why is m/m romance or f/f romance for that matter, considered to be...well, porn? How can a reader know what the book is really like when they all state: "warning, contains altrnative sex scenes that may offend some readers"? Really? Two men kissing is offensive? What if they are father and son? What if the book is about a son's battle with his sexuality and his struggle to come out to his father? Is that alternative? Should that have a warning on it, as most GLBT books do?
I like to write about characters, how they interact, and how they relate to the events happening around them. Sure, there are sex scenes, but my scenes are no more graphic or pornographic than any other romance novel. Why should my books be labelled 'alternative' just because they feature a non-traditioanl romance between the main characters. Love is love, isn't it?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Interview with Jess C Scott!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving! A Free Romantic Short for Turkey Day!

Turkey Day is only two days away. Makes me swell with pride to think of the first Thanksgiving dinner shared between the Pilgrims and Indians. I'm thankful for my beautiful family and all my wonderful friends! I'd like to share a free romantic Thanksgiving short today.
Turkey Dinner (A Romantic Short by Alisha Paige)
Where will you go for Thanksgiving? I'd love to hear about your plans. Now...off to fetch the bird from the freezer and make pumpkin pie.

(Photos Courtesy of Photobucket)
Happy Thanksgiving!
~Alisha Paige
Sunday, November 22, 2009
No Time for Much
(Not really, I'm just to damn tired to write anything of value today.) I'm not day 3 of a 4 night stretch. (Each 12 hours long). What I really want to do is sit and write and work out all the problems on my sequel to Paramatch.com, but instead I'm working my butt off running around like a headless chicken and getting about 10% help if I'm really lucky.
Not good. Not good at all.
I don't even have enough ambition to shower and put my uniform on.
Sign me,
Tired in Tulsa
Saturday, November 21, 2009
What are you thankful for????
My blog today, however, is about what we're thankful for. It’s kind of sad that we need a holiday to share the things we’re thankful for, but I think with the rush of life, sometimes we get lost in living and forget to appreciate all that we have. So, in honor of Thanksgiving next week, I’m going to list the things I’m thankful for:
My family. I have the perfect family. *cheeky grin* My family is perfect for me and perfect in their heads only. But, seriously, from my two sons to my husband they bring me joy each and every day. From the seriousness of my oldest son to the goofiness of my youngest son, my life is as near perfect as it can become. My husband and I will celebrate 18 years of marriage on November 30th, but we started dating when I was 17. We’ve been together a total of 20 years, more than half my life. Through all those years, even during the hard times, I’ve never regretted marrying him at the young age of 20. I’m a paralegal and I’ve worked many years with divorce cases, so I know our marriage could have gone sour, but somehow we’ve been able to keep the marriage alive. I am very thankful for our determination and commitment to keeping our marriage intact, part of that was growing together and making each other a priority. We still have date nights and enjoy one another’s company.
My friends, which includes both my internet friends and physically touchable friends. They’re both a huge source of support and I cannot imagine my life without any of them. My greatest wish would be to meet my internet friends in person.
My writing. It’s what keeps me sane, keeps me grounded and stabilizes my moods. Without my writing, I wouldn’t be fit to socialize. Writing is like a high-caliber drug or a meditation technique because writing calms me, erases the worries, puts my soul at peace and I never have to get out of my PJ’s to do it! And how awesome to be able to say “I killed someone today” and not go to jail for it!! LOL I also like the adventure of playing god and breathing life into my own little world of characters. That “god factor” is such a rush!
Noble Romance Publishing and the fact that they took a chance on me and published my book, Elfin Blood. My wish is that I won’t make you regret taking that chance!
My four-legged daughters, Rossi and Bama. They offer me comfort and love even when I’m a bear to live with. And when I’m at my worst, they have a way of bringing me back down to reality and pulverizing my moodiness.
The final thing I’m thankful for….COFFEE!! I am not a morning person, so coffee is the only concoction that makes me bearable in the morning. My advice, don’t speak to me before I’ve had at least two heaping cups of the dark, delectable brew! :D
You don’t have to be American to be thankful for something. So tell us all what you’re thankful for this year?
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and tell at least one person how thankful you are for them. I promise it’ll make you feel better!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ugly but Interesting
Now, don't get me wrong, we all like looking at beautiful people (sales of tabloid magazines attest to that) but in real life, what would be the chances of coming across a 'perfect' man? I would say pretty close to zero.
Sure, romance sells the notion that the perfect man; tall, handsome and good looking is just around the corner for those who deserve them (or don't), but really, it's all just fantasy, isn't it? I hope the old 'Barbara Cartland' days are well and truly numbered, I really do. I mean, living in the 21st century, you'd hope we were more sophisticated than that. Sure, fantasy is good, but really, impossible fantasy? How can that last? How can that be satisfying? Taming a rebel, finding the goodness in a man who is less than honest, discovering someone's humanity, all of those would be far, far more exciting to read about than just two beautiful bodies slapping together.
Yet, those sort of books, the 'traditional' romance novels do sell well. Go figure. I know I couldn't write a character without at least one 'flaw' (and by flaw I may mean something as simple as being scared of the dark)
I believe fiction should have some foundation in reality and leading men should also reflect (to a certain extent) the world we live in. Sure, he may be good looking, but I bet he's not as intelligent as all that, or he has really annoying habits, or worse yet, is boring and couldn't hold a conversation with a goldfish let alone interest another person. A lot of my characters are like that, some swear, have bad habits, are paranoid, not so bright, suffer from delusions of grandeur, etc, etc. In the end, having a perfect match for these characters is all part of the fun and discovery of writing and reading. I like to match the Ying and Yang (opposites attract, after all).
Sexual magnetism will only get you so far, as is true in real life. Sure, initial attraction can be there. But really, how many of us could honestly say they would want to be with someone forever and ever purely on initial attraction? It would wear pretty thin pretty quick, wouldn't it? Again, I would say pretty close to zero.
There has to be something more to a person, as in real life, as in fiction.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Rebecca Rose Interview and a peek at Divine Turmoil!

When Sunday arrived, Serena was thankful. She had plans to join her sister Hope’s family in going to the town fair and eat lots of foods high in fat and calories. They’d play some games that no one usually wins, and then watch the fireworks while sitting on a blanket in the giant field. The fireworks were always her favorite part of the fair. She could sit on the ground as the air cooled after the hot day, and relax. She’d sip some ice-cold beverage, talk and rest while her niece played on the playscape near by.
When the knock came on the screen door, Serena happily yelled an enthusiastic, “Come in! I’m down the hall!” Given she’d spent the morning making sure the yard was in the best shape possible for her mother’s arrival the next afternoon, she was running a little late and still getting dressed after her shower. Serena was just pulling on her shirt when she heard Brian’s voice.
“Hey, babe. I’ve come to join you, Hope and Will.” Brian walked right into Serena’s room, since the door had been left open.
Serena caught a glimpse of the heat rising in Brian’s cheeks before he turned his back to her. God, he’s cute was her first thought. “Knocking’s nice, sweetie.”
“I did knock. You told me to come in, remember?”
He was embarrassed, Serena realized. And this wasn’t a man that would embarrass easily.
“Sorry,” Brian said in more of an accusing tone than an apologetic one.
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before on another woman. Hey,” she said putting a hand on his shoulder, “it’s okay.”
“Sorry,” he said again.
He was watching her so intently, Serena felt heat rise from her toes to wake every nerve in her body. “Really... It’s o...okay.”
“No, it’s not.”
Before she knew what was happening, one of his hands was in her hair, while the other wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. His mouth was savage on hers, and his tongue demanded hers to play. It only took Serena a second to register what was happening. She was becoming a prisoner to Brian’s desires. Without thought, her hands went possessively into his hair and her body responded to his in a violent need.
The world spun away from them. Brian’s lips were full and soft with a mouth teeming of potent flavors. When his hand streaked up Serena’s back, her breath hitched and her hands began to roam, creating a hurricane of sensations that rushed through the both of them. She could feel the tight muscles under his shirt, and whimpered at the thought of feeling them without any barriers. When Serena pressed her nails into Brian’s shoulders, he trembled. This is quickly going to get out of hand, she realized, if I don’t do something.
Brian stepped back at the same time she did. His eyes were glued to her mouth, which was still slightly parted and swollen. He cupped her face and looked intently into her eyes. “My God, Serena, you’re driving me crazy.”
Serena tried to say something, but nothing came out. They both stepped farther away from one another when they heard the rap on the door. Hope’s voice carried through the house as Serena emerged from the hallway trying not to appear like she’d just gotten done doing something naughty.
“You seem a bit pale, Serena. Are you feeling all right?” Whatever she would have said next was lost when Hope saw Brian also emerging from the hall. “Oh! Did I interrupt something?” She gave Serena an accusing look, as if to say ‘I can’t leave you alone for more than a minute without you getting into trouble’. “You’re still planning to come with us, right? You did promise Lizzy.”
“Of course I’m still coming. I don’t know what’s going through that head of yours, but I’m pale because I spent the morning doing the lawn and I’m a little tired.” She gave Hope an insolent glare. “We’ll meet you in the car. I have to find my sandals.”
“Well, make it quick.” With that, Hope tromped out the door.
“That girl could use a vacation and some good ole lusty sex.” Brian nodded his head in agreement with himself.
“She makes me feel like I just got done doing something sinful and got caught by my mother. Damn her!” Serena said in a raised voice.
“Yeah!” Brian said, shaking a fist. “Let’s get her.”
Serena couldn’t help but laugh. It was as if Brian knew exactly what would melt away all the tension. “Come on, Bri,” she said, looping her arm through his after grabbing her sandals. “If we take too long, she’ll think we’re having a quickie.”
Brian raised his eyebrow mischievously. “She has a dirty mind, eh? How about you?”
Serena winked at him. “It runs in the family.”
“I’d like to see what your mind could come up with sometime.”
“I bet you would.”
Monday, November 16, 2009
Personality Differences
Have you ever insulted or irritated someone unintentionally? My daughter faced this same situation this past weekend. She said something that to someone else may have sounded a little rude, yet she didn’t mean it that way. It was just her way of talking. Something she would say to me and I wouldn’t think a thing about it, but to someone else, not necessarily the case. I told her, not everyone has as warped a sense of humor as I do, and unfortunately, I’ve passed that on to her.
It got me to thinking about my characters, though. Do I do that with them as well? Is my own sometimes warped personality coming out in my characters? Do I sometimes make them say or do something that might offend or irritate my readers? Maybe I do. I know I’ve read books before where I just wanted to strangle the main character. They just rubbed me the wrong way. I couldn’t get into the story at all because every time I turned around, they were driving me nuts to the point that I didn’t even want to read the book. I would just put it down and not pick it up again.
So, how do we make our characters into something that doesn’t annoy the crap out of others? I think there has to be a quality that makes them loveable. Just because a person is annoying, there has to be something about them that you like or you lose interest. I’m hoping that that was the problem with the book I read. Maybe I couldn’t find anything to like. If I had liked them a little bit, I’m sure I wouldn’t have been so annoyed with them.
That’s the main thing I want to avoid in my writing. I don’t want to have annoying characters, but I sure don’t want to have a character that’s not the least bit likeable.
How do you make a character likeable? Good question. Well, I think you have to look at your friends and family to find the answer. What characteristics do they possess that make you like them? Not just the ordinary “because they are nice”. I want more than that. Why are they nice? What do they do that makes them nice? Do they rescue puppies from the pound? Do they never buy paper plates because they are concerned about the environment? Do they always pick up a friend to drive them to work because that person doesn’t have a car or can’t afford gas? Everyone does something that makes them different from everyone else. To me, that is what makes them special, makes them likeable. Those are the qualities we need to instill in our characters to make them well rounded and loveable.
What do you think? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Looking Back and Edging Forward
For me, having someone tell me I lived so many lives isn't enough. When it came to the question and answer portion of the reading, I of course wanted to know all about my previous selves. I am, after all, the sum of all the parts my soul has been before. I believe we are each here for a purpose or have lessons to learn, so why do we not know more about where we were and what we did before. It'd sure save a lot of heartache and aggrevation, you know? I mean, think about it. Each life you have to learn some of the same lessons over and over again. (I'm talking about the life experiences of teen angst and getting some age on you.) Why are those hard lessons learned in our tender years not saved and recycled along with our souls? Is it because each life takes place in a different age and the lessons we learn are appropriate for time period. Let's face it, some of the things teens are going through now, I can't even imagine going through when I was in high school and that was only 25 years ago.
I'm not one of those people who believed she was ever someone famous. I'm actually very suspicious of people who say they were. I may have had money or moved in influential circles, but I don't believe I'd ever find my past lives in history books. But that's fine with me, there are some very interesting people out there who will never make history books, that doesn't make their lives any less important or significant. However, I'd really love a glimpse into who I was. How was I different? How was I the same? Did I at least have money? Hehehehhe.....sorry, I had to go there with that. I must have vowed poverty for this lifetime, or at least finacial hardship. Sigh.
So, what do I see ahead of me by looking behind? I don't really know. I'll leave the prognostication to those who are truly gifted. I just wish I had the information to not repeat the same mistakes over and over. According to my consultation I don't learn very well as I've been hanged 7 times, decapitated twice. Died by mace in the chest twice. Strangled 8 times. Had my throat cut 7 times. Died by fire too many times to count (is it any wonder that to this day I walk around asking if anyone else smells something burning?) I've had a scimitar thrust through the kidney once and died by choking twice. I'm sure there are some really good story ideas in all those unhappy demises somewhere.
Until next week,
Sign me...
Back Again in Boise
Friday, November 13, 2009
I am raising the bar!
When I started writing seriously ( when I actually sat down for hours and tried to finish a draft), all I could think about was to see my name on a book cover. After I landed a contract with Cobblestone Press and finally saw my name on the cover, I began to put in more hours into my writing. Like tasting chocolate ice cream on a cone, I wanted another lick. I wanted my second book. I was lucky enough to make it happen. eXtasy Books contracted six of my books and three with Red Rose Publishing.
But now, I want more than just seeing my name on the cover. Recently, my latest release, Wicked Proposal ,reached number seventeen (by the time you read this blog, it could possibly slipped down or moved up) on Fictionwise’s erotic romance sub-genre. It is a best seller (number five)among the eXtasy Books published on Fictionwise. I am so happy. Maybe to some that’s not a big deal. But to me it is. And I got to thinking, I like this. So now, my goal is to write a best seller. Go after quality and not quantity.
Wicked Proposal-Feature Friday at Dark Diva Reviews

Dark Diva, Deb, rated Wicked Proposal 5 Delightful Divas and a Recommended Read! My excerpt is posted here Please check it out. Leave a message for a chance to win a copy of Wicked Proposal. With all of the sterling reviews, I can safely say that you won't be disappointed spending a few minutes of your time reading this book.
Wicked Night Before Christmas, available December 1, 2009
Her Christmas wish came true-unwrapped,undeniably sexy, gorgeous, and totally wicked.
He tried to make her his…
Lucas McLeod fell in love with his sister’s best friend who enjoys bantering with him. He is fighting the urge, the temptation to cross the fine line between friendship and lovers. But Lucas lost. When he succumbs to passion and makes love with her, he knows she is the one he wants to grow old with. Before he leaves for Florida, he gives her his promise. He will be back.
She tried to ignore him…
Cara Saint Regis is devastated when Lucas, her best friend’s brother and the man she believes will come back for her, arrives in the cabin with his high school sweetheart instead. Worse, she catches them French kissing. A few days before Christmas, Cara’s heartache turns into a blinding jealousy and anger—but deep inside her heart, her love and desire remains strong and true.
Will love, passion, and the spirit of holidays help them reunite in time to celebrate Christmas?
Being around Cara is a test. Her nearness inflames his desire. Their closeness reminds him of what he’s been missing—her touch, smile, and her kisses. He misses her. Lucas wonders if his burning need to be with her again can wait until Christmas eve to answer the wish she wrote on the paper and hung on the Christmas tree—a wicked night before Christmas.
Hope to see you at Dark Diva Reviews.
Tierney O'Malley
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Erotic Thoughts
Call me old fashioned, but I feel that between consenting adults pretty much anything goes. I enjoy writing (and reading) about two people in love--or falling in love--who explore each others bodies. I mean, isn't that what being with another person is all about?
Okay, there may be some sex toys involved, that's fine, but really, tongues, fingers and lips work just fine for me. Skin on skin is so sexy and I believe that's all that required. Okay, that skin can belong to a vampire or a werewolf or an alien, but when it all boils down, it's two people doing what two people do when they find that spark between them.
That's my take on it all anyway.Erotica is selling very well at the moment. Is that because as a society we don't like to discuss the 'S' word? We'd rather read about it.Dunno? Interesting, isn't it?
Thoughts welcome.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Nanowrimo? Huh?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Nocturnally Vexed...In Print Dec. 2nd!

The wait is over!
Vex had never wooed a human and he wasn’t certain he had a clue of how to go about it, but Chastity, he decided, was worth it. The quicker he could claim her as his mate, the better he liked it. The question was, could he protect Chass from the denizens of Xurath—the bloodsuckers and shifter-rapts that lived among the humans and preyed upon them? Could he protect her from his own beasts?
Rating: Sensual/spicy
Read an Excerpt of Nocturnally Vexed!
~Happy Reading!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hooray! Another good review!
Long and Short Romance Reviews
Wonderful World of the Web
There are also other groups that I belong to online. Writers groups with like minded people who share their ups and downs, their knowledge, trials, gains and losses. I’ve made so many online friends that it amazes me how authors did it before the internet.
Can you imagine not talking to another author for maybe months at a time? I can’t! I would go completely nuts. It’s a good thing for RWA or some authors might never have gotten to mingle with others in their field. Unless you lived in NYC, I imagine it would have been very difficult to get together with other authors. Especially if you lived in a rural area. The nearest RWA to me is two hours away. There are no other close writers groups. The internet has really closed the gaps that would have separated me from my writing friends.
Not only does it help bring me closer to other writers, the information that I can get online is absolutely amazing. Everything you could possibly want to learn about, you can find on the world wide web. You can research anything you want. Are you writing a book about murder? Maybe you need to find out exactly what substances can do the job without being detected. Are you writing a paranormal? You can learn about all kinds of mystical creatures right from your own computer.
How has the internet helped you with your writing? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Rediscovering Your Writing
I'm talking about when you pick up a book you've written that is already in print or ebook and you reread it and surprise yourself by how good a writer you really are. For me, this happens when I'm having the biggest doubts about my craft and ablilty. To thumb through pages that I've produced and worlds I've created and think I might be regressing is so depressing I want to hide my head under my pillows and not surface for a week.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Have you ever opened a book you wrote say a year or two ago and thought..."Wow, I was really on my game then. What the hell happened?" - Yeah, I'm at that place now. Though I think the books I write now have the occasional gem in them, I'm not convinced I've been on my game for the past 6 months or so—which I guess in the long run is good, since I haven't written and submitted anything within that time period. All the submissions I've made recently have been books I wrote about two years ago and for one reason or another, I sat on.
So, what's the problem? Why don't I seem to have the groove lately. Why are my characters only one-dimensional instead of the deep, fully faceted people I used to write?
I have no answer for this. Is my creative instincts going on the blink? God forbid.
Or have I simply run out of words? And if so, what do I do with all these ideas if I have no words left to flesh them out?
*Insert frantic panic inducing music here*
I'll tell you, it doesn't help that I came home this morning after working three 12-hour shifts in a row, and was so exhausted I slept from 9am-6pm. Yeah, like I got a lot of work done in my sleep. (But then I dreamed about David Boreanaz from Angel and Bones fame - so not all bad!) - however, I just wasn't as productive as I'd hope for today.
But enough bitching. I'm going to take a shower, put on my new velour lounging outfit and start putting down some words. But before I go, I want to leave you with this. Sometimes, rereading your best material - even if you feel you've regressed - can be some of the most inspiring things you can ever pick up. Inside those pages you'll find you can and have succeeded. That you do have the capacity to create entire worlds, and interesting plots and characters who seem like real people to you and your readers.
Rediscover you writing as often as possible. It helps you keep going.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Muse Whammy
Now, let’s talk NaNo…Demon Eyes is my story. Only one problem, my muse suddenly decided he didn’t want to write about Demon Eyes, but instead wants to chat about DragonBlood. But I can’t complain because it needs to be written too. I just knew where DemonEyes was going, so was prepared to write it. And I have over 10,000 words already. Yeehaw! LOL
I was stuck on DragonBlood, floundering where to go with it, and the morning of November 1st, I was lazing in bed thinking about my book and suddenly my muse screamed THIS is where DragonBlood is going. After 10,000 words I can’t complain! And I never write by an outline. I wish I could map out my story before I write the first word, but at the beginning of a book, I rarely see anything but the beginning and the end. The middle comes to me as the story is revealed.
Do you ever get whammied by your muse? And, if you’re doing NaNo, how is the writing going for you so far?
Friday, November 6, 2009
New Cover et al :D
I think the fire is hot enough to warm up these two. LOL. This is the new cover for my book, Wicked Night Before Christmas, which will be available December 1, 2009 from eXtasy Books. The rounds of edits are finished, so now I am waiting for the galley. As soon as I receive the final copy, I will share an excerpt.
A few days ago, I received an email from Red Rose Publishing’s web mistress. I have to submit my blurbs for the site’s buy page. They need to be 200 words or less. For two days, I worked on revising my super long blurbs struggling to deliver the meat of the story. For the first book, I came up with a so-so blurb. Unsatisfied, I wrote another one. Tired from repeated rewrites, I asked someone to look at it. She quickly replied, edited my still long blurb and gave me the best advice on what to think about when writing a good blurb—conflict.
She said, think about your story’s conflict. Why didn’t I think of that? Here is the buy link: Red Rose Publishing
I am featured at Lynn Crain’s Xtraordinary Romance blog. Please stop by to say hi or leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Wicked Proposal.
My latest book, Wicked Proposal, received Five Cups from Coffeetime Romance and Five Flames from My Overstuffed Bookshelf. Do you think a good review plays a big factor in book sales?
Until next time,
Tierney O’Malley
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A Best Seller!
Here is the ranking for this month:
2) Pure Sex
5) The Cadet's Officer
6) The Whispered
7) Boo
8) Devil Night
9) Lorelei and Darin
10) Athena's Hunger
So if you want to grab a quick read in the sci-fi genre then give The Cadet's Officer a go! It all ends with a big bang. :-)
I would also like to thank all the other authors who have made it into the top ten, too.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New Book Trailer and Nanowrimo update
It's almost time for the release of Confessions so I decided I needed to finish up the book trailer. And I LOOOOVE it! I'll be giving away a free copy of Confessions the week of the release so watch for it :)
As for my nanowrimo project.... I have figured out another problem I've encountered over the past year. I used to be able to sit down and whip out a few thousand words a day with no problem. I could write a novel in 2 months. Now that I've most of the year doing book edits from the publisher, I've unlearned how to write quickly. Even when I know what's coming next I can't seem to do it. Needless to say, Nano-novel is moving along at a snails pace. I probably won't finish it but have done a few great but dark scenes. If you remember, my goal is to add 50,000 words to an already written novel so I can break through that hurdle of writing short novels. So now the novel is long-er but not long yet!
Wish me luck and let me know what you think of the new trailer!
Wendy Ely
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween Contest Story Results and Halloween Fun!

Congratulations to Deidre Durance! She wins a Halloween tin of chocolate and candy coated pretzles from Figi's! I just loved her sexy Halloween Story! Here it is! Enjoy!
Halloween Story
I sighed as I slipped into my pink and black striped stockings. I thought of his hand on my ankle, holding it with this thumb, feeling my pulse as he kissed the tender warm skin, sending chills through me. A tear slid off my fake golden lashes and snaked across my flushed cheeks. I watched as it fell from my chin, dripping into my soft stockings, leaving a spot of hot pink. I sniffed as I buckled my witch shoes to my feet. I stood, walking to my vanity to place my feathered witch hat on my shiny black wig. He'd never recognize me tonight and I refused to skip Cleo's annual Halloween party because he would be in attendance. I applied blood red lipstick and smiled at the witch in the mirror, grabbed my velvet purse and headed out the door.
The night was chilly, but it felt good to the sensitive flesh exposed by my skimpy black minidress. I was met at the door by someone dressed as Frankenstein. His costume looked expensive and I had to wonder what he did for a living. That was the wonderful thing about these parties, getting to be someone or something else. Who knows, the Wolf Man dancing beside me could be an accountant and the lady dressed as Elvira might be a librarian by day. The anonymity was intoxicating to me.
I spied a vampire standing at the punch bowl dipping the red liquid and pouring it into his skulll encrusted mug. Could it be him? I watched him walk away and realized that it couldn't be, I would recognize my one-time lover's walk. Feeling frustrated, I glided out to the designated dance floor and began to lose myself to the music. The strains of Marilyn Manson's version of Sweet Dreams are Made of These accompanied the grinding of my hips. I could feel that I was being watched and it made me even bolder. I dipped my lower body towards the floor knowing that it would afford my watcher an amazing view of my ass and maybe more since I didn't bother to pull a thong on with my super short dress. As I slowly lifted myself up, I glanced behind me to see a man dressed as the devil eyeing me with interest. How appropriate, considering that I was feeling wicked myself. I straightened and turned around keeping my moves smooth but allowing myself a better look at him. It was obvious that he was a perfect specimen of what any woman would die to have a piece of. He was wearing black from head to toe with the exception of the blood red vest that fit him like a glove. He had the most luxurious long dark hair that I had ever seen. I ached to bury my fingers in it, reveling in the feel of it. I began to feel a heat flow through me that although it felt delicous, had nothing to do with the exertion of my movements. I sensed it was coming from this stranger who pinned me with his electric blue eyes. I broke free from his gaze for only a moment and when I looked back, he was standing in front of me. I was startled, but accepted his hand when offered for a dance. Was it a coincidence that the song that was playing was Devil Inside by INXS? I began to think that this was more than a man and I wasn't sure if I should be frightened or embrace this feeling creeping through me. I embraced him instead and felt the strength of his arms as he encircled my body with his own. He leaned down and I tensed, not knowing his intentions. He placed the most gentle of kisses upon my neck. I shivered from that butterfly in my stomach feeling as his lips traced up to my lips and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Something felt so forbidden about our encounter, yet so right at the same time. My old lover was forgotten as I became enraptured in my devil man's arms. He whispered into my ear that he wanted to find a place to talk. I simply nodded my head and leaned into him as we walked towards the door. All of the partygoers flitted from my mind so that I hardly noticed them at all as we descended the steps. As soon as we were in the darkness he pulled me close and the world fell away. I opened my eyes to find myself standing inside the most decadent home I had ever seen. There had been few words between us so far and I adhered to that by imploring him with my eyes. He bestowed upon me a wicked smile as he explained to me that he was truly the Devil and that we were destined to be together, pre-ordained to rule together in Hell. Imagine my surprise to find that I was delighted with this news. I always knew that I was fated for great things.
And that my darling children, is how I met your father.

Wasn't that a yummy little story? Now I'll leave all you wicked bloggers with some funny Halloween pics! I had a book signing on Halloween at a cool wine bar. I dressed as a witch and read palms during my signing.

And look at my little trick or treaters! Two bumble bees and a lady bug!
~Have a great week!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Music and Plot Ideas
Case in point - and this will be no shock to a certain Seirra Wolf - I love the country duo Montgomery Gentry. Their latest CD kicks off with a song about charasmatic evangelicals who go into such religious ferver they handle rattle snakes. (You really have to hear the song to appreciate the humor of it. It's got a great beat and lyrics. Trust me.) Anyhoo, so as I'm trying to put a plot together for a romantic suspense sequel for a book I have under consideration at one of my pubs, I started thinking...what in the hell am I going to come up with for this book? I know my well ain't dry because I am constantly adding new ideas to the idea books I have. But for some reason I couldn't see beyond the hero of this tale because I never intended to write a book about him so I had to make it very interesting. So, after considering several ways I could go I decided to make a pseudo-paranormal. I say psuedo, because I'm going to intro into this book a character (brother to the heroine) who suffers from clinical lycanthropy. (Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like - a person who only believes they can turn into a wolf). All right, that's a protential problem for the heroine and hero to overcome, since she is really the only person her brother has to lean on...so what other conflict.
Enter the song The Revival.
I'd been listening to the CD with that song on it last week driving to and from work and getting the song stuck in my head, singing it around work. Suddenly, I knew my villian. But that's going to remain a secret for now, but you can probably guess where this is going...
Which brings me back to the topic at hand. We all had our shares of plots come from dreams, people watching, current events, speculative science...so songs? I know authors sometimes title their books after their favorite songs, but what do you see when you hear a particular piece of music.
There is this one song by Clannad where Bono sings a duet with Maire Brennan, titled Once in a Lifetime. It's a beautiful tune that brings to mind all sorts of romantic images while at the same time is very sad and meloncholy to hear it. I always imagine a pair of lovers who were torn apart by war or circumstance and are reunited on a very rainy, cold night when neither of them are expecting it. I don't know why those images are fast in my brain when I hear that song, but they are as fixed as the notes on the sheetmusic.
Now, try and convince me there isn't a story there somewhere.
The lyrics aren't necessarily the key component for inspiring flashes of images. Instrumentals can be just as vivid in creating a clear picture of your plot and characters as a heavy rock tune with a kick-ass lead singer (Chad Kroger, anyone?) or storytelling lyrics.
It's what the music makes you feel, or what wheels start turning inside your head that is the important thing. Try it someone, you might be surprised.
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