With my latest release "The Pauper's Prize" doing so well, and now the news of another release next month, I am in writing heaven...literally.
I don't have the cover for "The Cadet's Officer" as of yet, but I can share with you a little blurb. I am still madly doing the final edits--only a few weeks to go! Yikes :-)
Living on an exploration spaceship light years away from any civilization can get real lonely, even though there are thousands on board with you. Adam Wilkinson dreams of being with another man, and secretly he has a crush on the second in charge, Evan Cleary. But will the hunky, hard as nails officer want to be with Adam? Or more to the point, does the dreamy, absolutely perfect man even know Adam exists?
Also, today I went to see the Salvador Dali exhibition that's currently on at the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria) The largest collection of his work ever presented in Australia. It was simply awesome! That man was a genius. There is no other word for it. To see what he could paint at 15, then move through his life to see such stunningly detailed surrealistic works blew me away. Even the tiny little ants looked life like! Leanne commented that when the man painted velvet, it looked like velvet! So true.

The other funny thing was, when we arrived a tour group was going through the gallery. A lovely elderly lady was the guide. It was hilarious listening to her say 'sexual' and 'genitals' many, many times over through the course of the tour she was giving. The best part was when she coined Dali's famous phrase: 'the great masturbator.' I couldn't help but chuckle! Classic! Also, to see his photographic work, his drawings and even the jewelry he did was amazing, let alone marvel at the paintings. Seeing them in a book does not do them justice. His paintings were alive!

I also got to see the famous lobster phone, too. The man had talent. Such an inspiration, especially as my work has lots of genitals and sexual content in it *grin*

So catch you all next week. Hopefully I can post an excerpt of The Cadet's Officer then...Have a chocolate filled week everyone :-)
Way to go, Mark!
Mark, you are so inspiring. I'm proud to know such a good writer.
Thank you, Tierney! And a great big thank you to you, too, Wendy!
*bigs hugs to my roses*
Congratulations on your coming release!! So cool!
Thank you, Sierra! It's all good :-)
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