So when my publisher asked its authors to write a sex scene for an upcoming anthology I jumped at the chance. I mean, it’s not easy writing such scenes, and to be honest I usually construct the story first, making sure the sex scene when I do put it in fits and is an integral part of what I had just written. In other words, it’s not just there for the sake of titillation. Sex must have meaning, and in the end a purpose within the story, so I believe. If it were just pages and pages of sex with no rhyme or reason then it would be pornography, wouldn’t it?
Actually, the same can be said for anything really. Too much of something within a book isn’t a good idea. I read a book the other day that had, get this, eight pages, yep, eight pages of the author describing a snake! Talk about gratuitous. I never picked it up again.
So, getting back on track, what makes a good sex scene? The answer is as varied as the positions in the karma-sutra, but to boil it down, for me anyway, a sex scene must not be shy.
When a character does something in a book, such as slay a dragon, solve a crime or get suited up and explore space, then obviously we experience such things on their level, their feelings, what they see, what they hear, etc, etc… I really believe that when a character has sex, then we should experience that, too. No closed doors in other words.
I like to get into the head of one of the characters in the action. I think it makes it more tangible that way. When a character reaches climax, then by God I want to feel that, too! What would be the point of them doing such a thing in the first place if we don’t know how the character felt? Sex, after all, is also about pleasure.
No matter the sex of the characters involved, be it m/f or m/m or f/f or any combination thereof, characters, like people, want to be loved. Sex is the ultimate way to express love and I always strive to show that.
I just hope my sex scene I submitted was what the publisher wants…I’ll let you all know. I bet you’re asking what type of scene I did? Well, I did a scene that involved a vampire and his sacrifice *grin* Very hawt (hopefully) I titled the scene: “The Lamb of Darkness”. It was a fun write with no restriction and no ‘story’ to worry about for a change. Very liberating. I think I need a cigarette and a slice of pizza now.
Until next time…

Hahaha Mark, I thought about subbing for the antho. Imagine writing something without restrictions--liberating. But I have my plate full already so I'll leave the antho to you and the others.
No worries, Tierney! It was a fun exercise and luckily I am only editing stuff at the moment.
Oh, that sounds so cool Mark! Good luck on the antho! And great writing advice, too! Thanks for sharing!
Thank, Sierra!
No worries, that's what I'm here for :-) It's nice to share advice and spread the word about good things for a change.
Sounds like fun, Mark. And I agree one hundred percent about the love scenes. They have to mean something, even if the characters think they are having one night of cheap thrills...there is always another layer there they don't realize at first.
Exactly! Thank you so much for your comment :-)
Ooo...sounds intriguing, Mark! I love, absolutely adore vampires, so I'm eager to hear more and I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!
You had me laughing over your title. I used the same title way back when on a blog that Sierra and I were involved in. Using such a taboo word ;-) more than once, together *gasp*, draws attention fast! *laughs* You naughty boy! ;-)
I agree with you about sex scenes, they gotta mean something even if the characters don't realize they mean something at that moment. To me sex is more than just pleasure, but a bond of trust--for however brief--between two people and when I read something I want to feel everything they do, every caress, every shiver, and especially the climax. Otherwise, I feel like I was left wanting more, left withuot the climax, so to speak, and that's a huge disappointment. I hope I pull off all those emotions and feelings when I write a sex scene as well.
Great post, Mark! But you do realize you're going to hell now, right? *laughs* I'm kidding, dude, but my mother-in-law (MIL) calls my writing "nasty" (save me from well intentioned MIL) and since I write about vampires she says I'm going to hell *rolls eyes*, so I figured she'd think you're in the same boat with me. :D
Wow, thanks for the great comment, Gracen! Well, you and me can be in hell together...I wonder if they serve chocolate there in amounts that would be considered sinful LOL
LOL If hell serves chocolate in that type of quantity, I'm taking over! *evil giggle* I NEED to be in charge of all that chocolate! :D BTW, I share chocolate with friends, allies and accomplices. ;-)
I hope we can smoke and eat pizza in hell cause I'm going there too! Mark just gave me a huge craving for them both...oh and we need more chocolate and some wine of course!
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